Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lets review...

Lets review...got up at six, got Nich off to school early so he could work with his algebra teacher, came home, was getting ready to go riding and I got a text from my step-dad saying he wanted my 100 foot of hose as he might burn the brush pile today. Thing is I told him I would be there Wed to do the work for him. I was a lil aggravated as I didn't understand why today, the only day of seven I had blocked off for myself right when I am getting ready to leave he text me about wanting to burn the brush pile...anyway I had to go by the bank anyway so I took the truck and went by the bank and loaded up the 100 feet of hose for him. I get there, he is in the process of cutting another tree. I'm like "What are you doing? I told you I would be here tomorrow to help" he is 85 years old. I Found out from mom later that he doesn't remember things from one day to the next. His grandson is getting married in November so mom suggested he try on his suits to make sure he has one that fits, (he has lost a lot of weight which is a good thing for him because of his diabetes) anyway, he tried on the suits, then he did the very same thing the next day as he didn't remember trying them on the day before. It just doesn't sound good to me.This is the first I had heard of it. Nich knew, said let him be he's happy, I very much agreed and told Nich I didn't know things had became like they are but that since I knew I understood a lot better.

Rode to Houchins Ferry, it wasn't open lol. It was still a great ride and I got my fix being on the bike for about four hours. Came back, had a couple of hours before I had to get him from band practice, go to the store to get things for his lunch in the AM, come home, eat, had a band booster meeting at six (I was one of three males there, and the only single male parent, after a while it just doesn't phase you anymore). Anyway, since somebody never said anything about Cincinanti I went ahead and signed up to be a chaperone at the first Band contests (yes that's plural), next Saturday. So I will be on a school bus off and on from 7:30 AM till 12:00 PM. It should be interesting, I'll probably help with the cooking and stuff as well. Least I get a free pass to the contest lol.

Then I come home to the Algebra melt down from hell, which just finished a lil bit ago and now I am here telling you about my day. Had better, had much worse as well.

Now I get to go to moms tomorrow and work on straightening up their yard. I blocked off Thursday for them as well cause I don't know how much we will get done tomorrow. We will see...anyway, that was my glamorous day sweetie, you sure you can handle this life? I mean your pretty good at runnin, if you wanna keep on go right ahead, I wouldn't blame you a bit, I pray not, but I couldn't blame you.

It's normaly not like this but he (Nich) has a lot of residual emotions that surface from time to time from dealing with the aftermath of the situation with his mom. I still havent heard anything from my attourney about taking the psych evals, I've learned, just block stuff out untill she calls and needs someting, then just take care of whatever my attourney may happen to need.

I love you, I hope your here soon, it would be nice to have a lap to lay my head down on every once in a while.

God Bless you sweetheart.

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