Friday, September 20, 2013

Nich Counciling...

We were both there for the full hour. She  (councilor) seemed shocked that I wasn't awarded full custody after Nich described the incident that happened that Saturday.. Actually said "Well, there's a light at the end of the tunnel now". When I said we would be coming as often and as long as we needed to she said, "I don't see the need for more than three or four sessions." She also said for us not to pay for or take any psych evals until Joanna had paid for and taken hers. Said she had seen many a time when a party pays for and taked their eval and then the other party doesn't. She (Joanna) can't do all this, she can't catch up the child support, pay for psych evals, etc, so in all likelihood we will never take one.Councilor couldn't believe all three of us were asked to take them and not just Joanna. "Who is the judge in these matters?", she asked like she just couldn't believe whats going on.

So here is the deal, three or four sessions, then subpena her to testify for us and Joanna is done. I'm gonna let that ER bill sit in Joanna's name and not pay a penny neither, it won't go to a collection agency on my behalf, it won't affect my credit, she is the responsible party for that bill, and she should be. I'll make them take me to court to pay my portion of that bill and even then I'll pay $25 dollars and then make them take me back to court every so often to make me pay...yep, another $25 dollars...after 10 years of this crap she deserves it, she deserves worse but this will suffice, it's justice. I kept wondering why I wasn't getting that ER bill, I never signed anything saying I would be the responsible party that's why...she signed him in, bill goes to her address, not mine, her tough shit. What are they going to say "Well Mr. Hollifield you need to pay your portion of this bill" "Okay then pay me the child support your behind on and I will" this situation is pretty much resolved as far as we are concerned...matter of time.

I love you.
I want you here with us soon.
I get tired of not talking to you sweetheart.
It gets old.

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