Friday, March 17, 2023



never thought I would see the day:

I thought we would be 48th or so :-).

"Frankfort, KY - Kentucky House and Senate lawmakers have approved legislation, Senate Bill 47, establishing a medical cannabis access program 
for qualified patients 
with an authorization from their physician."

"Patients will be permitted to have a 30-day supply of medical cannabis at their residence and a 10-day supply on their person."

"Kentucky NORML Deputy Director Lauren Bratcher praised lawmakers’ advancement of the legislation. “There is substantial evidence that marijuana-derived medications can and are providing major health benefits. This new law takes an important step toward providing relief to patients living with extraordinary pain and illness. I'm heartened that the Legislature understands the medicinal benefits of medical cannabis. Kentucky can now benefit from the same reduction in opioid fatalities observed by states that have already implemented medical cannabis laws”

(Every state that has legalized medical cannabis?
Has seen a reduction in opioid fatalities.

How could anybody be
and not be for legalized medical cannabis?

Come explain it to me.
I got a chair just for ya.)

The bills provide certain protections for patients and their caregivers, and it makes allowances for student patients to access cannabis at school. Patients will not be considered under the influence solely based on the presence of THC metabolites. The legislation does not allow for inhaled cannabis nor does it allow for patients to home cultivate their own cannabis."

(I emailed the KY Normal letter to my senator (See below). That last part? Neither NORMAL or myself were to happy with. I'm not sure but we may be the only state with legalized medical cannabis that "does not allow for inhaled cannabis". I mean why? How you consume it matters? Why? To whom? And lord knows the law had to be designed such that it does not "allow for patients to home cultivate their own cannabis." It's always about paying somebody else for something you can cultivate yourself. 

RE: Support full medical cannabis access

Boswell, Gary (State Sen.) (LRC) <>
Thu, Mar 2, 3:46 PM
to me

The only question on the table is medical  thx for letter


From: Me :-).
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 10:51 AM
To: Boswell, Gary (State Sen.) (LRC) <gary.boswell@LRC.KY.GOV>
Subject: Support full medical cannabis access


State Senator Gary Boswell,

As your constituent, I urge you to support pre-filed legislation to permit physicians to authorize access to medical cannabis for any patient whom they believe would benefit from its therapeutic use.

While passage of this legislation will offer qualified patients state-sanctioned access to a therapy that may offer them significant benefits, it prohibits access to whole-plant herbal cannabis, which is an arbitrary limitation of a patient's right to choose.

While concerns with regard to the potential risks associated with cannabis smoke exposure are understandable, they are largely not evidence-based. Cannabis smoke exposure, even over the long term, is not associated with the same detrimental health effects as tobacco exposure. Specifically, longitudinal trials do not show a causal link between cannabis smoke exposure and lung cancer, COPD, or detrimental effects on pulmonary function.

(That is 100% the truth.
Any study that says there is a link between:
"cannabis smoke exposure and lung cancer, COPD, or detrimental effects on pulmonary function"?
Had in their study people who smoked cigarettes as well as cannabis.
Apparently finding  long term users of cannabis who dont smoke tobacco is a huge challenge.)

Also, patients' exposure to unwanted combustive gasses may be readily mitigated by the use of a vaporizer, a device which heats herbal cannabis to a point where cannabinoid vapors form, but below the point of combustion -- thereby reducing the intake of combustive smoke or other pollutants, such as carbon monoxide and tar. In clinical trials, researchers have acknowledged that such devices are a "safe and effective" method for delivering cannabis to patients.

Finally, the bulk of clinical trials establishing cannabis' safety and efficacy have been conducted using inhaled, whole-plant herbal cannabis. By contrast, alternative formulations of cannabis and administrative routes remain largely untested and unproven.

I support medical cannabis access in a way that benefits all patients. Please support SB 47.

"The measure is expected to pass concurrently through the Kentucky House and then action from Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear, who is expected to sign the measure into law."

Once enacted, Kentucky will be the 38th state to regulate medical cannabis production and distribution."

Anyway...Good start...Finally...

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