Friday, March 24, 2023

It has


to be said so?

Here goes.

I sat in my seat in the library yesterday and hammered out all that stuff about banks etc.

I had my first cup of coffee and was locked in and rolling at 9:08.

I looked at the clock before starting.

I got up three times probably for a grand total of 5 minutes or so.

Time is indeed relative I felt like I was there 15 minutes but it was really closer to 9 hours.

So I'm closing things down, closing tabs, making sure I got things saved in drafts folder I wanna get to on another day etc.

I had just finished typing:

"Christians need to be informed 


and able and willing 

to shoot this kinda stuff down.

It's comin.

I can feel the groundswell already.

i know you can too."

Closed everything down.

Reboot machine

(obvious reasons covered earlier about me and libraries computers)

packed my bag and?

Laying on the floor next to me was a quarter.

Not a big deal to you perhaps but very significant to me i assure you.

See this has happened with a lil bit of regularity.

4x or so now.

I believe in miracles.

I believe the laws of physics 

and in particular the laws of Quantum Mechanics 

is how God performs them here in our realm.

He designed them, 

he created them,

he implemented them.

(Laws of nature/physics) 

How and why would he not use them to serve his purposes?

(Seriously come explain it to me, I'm all ears.)

Anyway, the message in all these instances is pretty simple:



(How in the world am I not going to see a quarter laying on the floor six feet away from me when I had been in that chair close to 9 hours straight? It's a pack of ramen for goodness sakes!)

It's pretty simple.

It wasn't there until after I had published:

Last One.

Oh it gets better.

I get home and I am explaining all this to honey cause I know she is listening/watching somehow.

I go to get my quarter out of my pocket?

Now there were three quarters, not just 1.

I think God liked me sharing what happened yesterday personally


I tell you what?

Lets go get all the people I have ever intentionally lied to or misled here in the last 10 years and lets see what kind of data set we can put together with them.

I assure you it wont be very large and in fact? It would be way smaller than most peoples.

So why would I lie about this?

What would be my purpose in doing so?

What have I to gain by everybody thinking I was nuts?

(Most already do but that's besides the point :-).

Liars lie for a reason.


They are either covering something up they dont want you to know about, or they are trying to get something from you.

So which of those two scenarios is in play here?


I love you baby.

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