Saturday, March 11, 2023



ya go.

The Big Bang says nothing about the creation of the cosmos

"Images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope show galaxies forming early in cosmic history, and they have been making plenty of news. Pictures of mature galaxies in a baby Universe shocked many cosmologists because they defy established theories about galaxy formation and cosmic history. 

"Unfortunately, some media outlets have taken these images out of their context, reporting that they disprove the Big Bang itself. This could not be further from the truth, but the hubbub gives us a good opportunity to explain what the Big Bang Theory is actually about. There are plenty of surprises in the story."

Primeval absence

"We are often told that the Big Bang is a theory of cosmic creation — that it tells us how the Universe was created out of nothing and went on to evolve into all the galaxies, stars, and planets. The problem with that characterization is that only the second part of it is true. Yes, what we call the Big Bang is a theory of cosmic evolution. But the Inflationary Universe standard model that guides cosmology says nothing about cosmic origins. The birth of space, time, matter, and energy is simply not there."

(You know...just the four things you need to have a life sustaining universe strangely not present in the Inflationary Universe standard model that guides cosmology currently. But it sure is in Gen 1:1.)

"But Lemaître already knew that his formulation did not really solve the First Antinomy, because it did not explain where the primeval atom came from. "

"These days no cosmologist would talk about primeval atoms. Instead, they talk about various quantum fields that pervade the early Universe. But the basic point about evolution vs creation is the same. Big Bang cosmology does not describe the Universe’s creation. It describes what happens after creation. It does so with spectacular success, giving a detailed roadmap for how a super-high-temperature, super-high-density Universe expanded and cooled, leaving us with everything we see today."

"By itself, the Big Bang never tells us where it all comes from. If you want to know how the Universe was actually created, you need something else, something more. Maybe you want to say the cosmos always existed and we are just one turn of a cyclic Universe. Maybe you want to come up with some exotic new mechanism that can create something from nothing. (Beware of this one, people have stumbled hard on it.) But whatever mechanism you envision, it will be an addition to the Big Bang we have now, because that theory is silent on the question of creation."

"By itself, the Big Bang never tells us where it all comes from."

Ecclesiastes 3:11

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

"If you want to know how the Universe was actually created, you need something else, something more..."

Well what could that possibly ever be?

"Maybe you want to say the cosmos always existed and we are just one turn of a cyclic Universe."

(You can say it all you want to but there's just absolutely no evidence to support it. Universe inflation destroyed what ever cause it. Ecc 3;11 etc.)

"Maybe you want to come up with some 

exotic new mechanism 

that can create something from nothing."

It's not new. 

It's not exotic.

It's not a mechanism.

It's God.

and he gets time, space, energy and matter all right in the first ten words.

Genesis 1:1

The Beginning

In the beginning 

God created 

the heavens 

and the earth.

Anyway. Good piece on what the theory actual is and isn't.


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