Tuesday, January 18, 2022

I spoke


about this a while back.

What if Math Is a Fundamental Part of Nature, Not Something Humans Came Up With?

How in the world, anybody can think, the language of the universe was invented by man, is beyond my reasoning capabilities. To me? It shows just how far mans arrogance has reached.

Excerpts from the article follow below with my comments listed in bold and Italics

"Everywhere you look, the natural world is laced with stunning patterns that can be described with mathematics. From bees to blood vessels, ferns to fangs, math can explain how such beauty emerges."

Well no kidding, maybe there's a reason for it, ever thought of that? People like to say you can't prove God exist, I completely disagree. The physical laws that govern the heavens and the earth are proof enough of the almighty's existence.

"Math is often described this way, as a language or a tool that humans created to describe the world around them, with precision."

Since when and says who?

"But there's another school of thought which suggests math is actually what the world is made of; that nature follows the same simple rules, time and time again, because mathematics underpins the fundamental laws of the physical world."

This is the correct school of thought, the "other" school of thought should be that man created it. And it's not a "suggestion" if the evidence of it clearly seen all around us every day.

"Fractals are exquisite, self-repeating patterns which, besides some cauliflowers, are also found in fern fronds, branching blood vessels, and the rings of Saturn. Fractals are geometrical shapes made up of smaller and smaller copies of themselves, creating a mesmerizing 'self-similarity' that is infinitely deep."

I suppose man invented those as well, right?

"Whether they know it or not, bees build hexagonal honeycomb in a way that produces the most storage space using the least materials – a theory known as the 'honeycomb conjecture' which was finally demonstrated by American mathematician Thomas Hales in 1999."

"Well how in the world could that have ever happened?"

"Let's not forget nature's 'favorite' numbers, Fibonacci numbers, where each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two. Fibonacci numbers are seen in sunflower seeds, pine cones and pineapples.

Spiral galaxies and nautilus shells also mimic so-called golden spirals by growing in a logarithmic ratio with every quarter turn."

"But even though mathematical patterns are everywhere to be seen in nature, recent discoveries suggest the connection between math and nature runs deeper still, in ways we're only just beginning to appreciate."

Maybe the author and others of her ilk are just starting to appreciate, others of us have been appreciating this fact for a long time already.

"In a roundabout way, that discovery leads us back to the idea that mathematics provides a structural framework for the physical world. It's an interesting idea to entertain – so long as your head doesn't explode."

If you understand where the physical laws of the universe came from? I assure you your head will not explode. And besides, I thought the scientific method involved the use of empirical data verified repeatedly? How much more evidence do you need to see around you daily?

"nature follows the same simple rules, time and time again, because mathematics underpins the fundamental laws of the physical world"

Well I wonder how that ever came to be?

Jeremiah 33:25

This is what the Lord says: ‘If I have not made my covenant with day and night and established the laws of heaven and earth,

Job 38:33

Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth

Big mans getting a lil tired of us rejecting the evidence of his presence that is in our plain sight daily.

As I said before, you got a better answer that explains math and where it came from? I'm all ears, please come enlighten me, I'll gladly listen to any other explanation that makes more sense if somebody wants to come explain it to me. Got a feeling I'll be waiting a while, just like I've been waiting for some french fries.

I love you honey, just well beyond fed up right now.

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