Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biblical demonology Pt.4 (Chapter5)

 "Description and Doom of the Demons."


The precise character of demons has been widely misunderstood, and has been one of the most prolific sources of superstition, not only in ethnic and rabbinic systems, but in Christian conceptions as well.


(This is so very important and we will see why later on.)

"The Gospels prove conclusively that demons are purely spiritual beings, as the following passages show."

 "And when even was come, they brought unto Him many possessed with demons (daimonizomenous), and He cast out the spirits (ta pneumata) with a word" (Matt. 8:16). "And the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons (ta daimonia) are subject unto us in Thy name" (Luke 10:17). To which the Lord responds: "Nevertheless in this rejoice not, that the spirits (ta pneumata) are subject unto you" (v. 20). Likewise in Matthew's report of the lunatic boy it is said "the demon" (daimonion) went out of him" (Matt. 17:18). In Mark's Gospel the same demon is called an "unclean spirit" (to pneumati to akatharto) (Mark 9:25). Luke recounts the incident of "certain women who had been healed of evil spirits (pneumaton poneron) and infirmitles," of whom the first recorded is Mary Magdalene, from whom it is said, "seven demons (daimonia hepta) had gone out" (Luke 8:2). Demons and evil spirits are therefore one and the same thing."

"The spiritual nature of both Satan and his demon hosts is

graphically set forth by the Apostle Paul when he emphatically says the believe intense warfare "is not against flesh and blood" but against the non-material, the incorporeal, which he descope as "powers," "world-rulers of this darkness," "spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12). Again, the Apostle seems clearly to designate the "powers of the air," of whom he says Satan is "prince," as "spirits" (Eph. 2:2). Weymouth's translation is well borne out by the original: "the prince of the powers of the air, the spirits that are now at work in the hearts of the sons of disobedience." The "powers of the air" are thus the wicked spirits energizing the ungodly, as the Holy Spirit animates God's people.

In like manner the Apostle John bears witness to the incorporeality of the demons when he speaks of the three unclean spirits coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, as the "spirits of demons" (pneumata daimonion) (Rev. 16:14). "

"Demons, hence, are scripturally presented as purely spiritual beings. In several passages the Bible gives what is practically a definition of "spirit." "God is spirit" (John 4:24). "A spirit hath not flesh and bones" (Luke 24:39). "Demons" are "spirits" (Luke 10:17, 20). "Angels ... are spirits" (Heb. 1:13-14). The specific attribute of "spirit" is then immateriality, incorporeality. Christ, as the Eternal Word (uncreated Spirit) in the incarnation did not take upon Himself an immaterial, incorporeal body, "the nature of angels" (Heb. 2:16), but actual humanity, in a sphere a "little lower than the angels" (Ps. 8:4-5; Heb. 2:6, 9), that He might lift the believer into His own realm above the angels (Heb. 2:9-10)."

"Demons as well as all other created spiritual beings, possess personality and are everywhere represented as intelligent and voluntary agents (Mark 5:12, Luke 4:34)."

"Though no human being in the flesh has ever seen, or could see, the divine essence, God in his own glorious triune spiritual person (John 1:18; 4:24), yet God, veiled in Angelic form and particularly as incarnate in Jesus Christ, has be by mortal eye (Gen. 18:2, 22; Exod. 3:2-4; John 14:9). angels, as spirits, are invisible to men (Ps. 104:4), yet power is certainly given them, upon occasion at least, to become visible in the likeness of human form 

(Gen. 19:1, 5; Luke 1:26 John 20:12; Acts 12:9)."


"power is certainly given them, upon occasion at least, to become visible in the likeness of human form"

This is the 


and not the rule as some contend, 

they are spiritual beings remember (Hebrews 1:13-14).

"Likewise, evil spiritual beings seem evidently to possess a similar power. Satan, the chief evil spirit and leader of the evil spirits (Matt. 12:24), doubtless assumed the semblance of human form in the temptation of Jesus

(Matt. 4:1-11),"

(The book had Matt 4:9-10, I made a like to the entire passage as I believe the author is seeing things that simply are not there, nor do they need to be. Why would God (as spirit, even though he is incarnated into human form), need to see his accuser in human form?)

 "and he was seen by Zechariah, standing at the right hand of Joshua the high priest (Zech. 3:1). 

(Once again there is absolutely nothing here to suggest that Satan appears as human. To confound matters, this sighting occurs in a vision Zechariah had which the author for some reason doesnt mention.)

From my personal experiences my opinion is that 

Satan CAN USE humans 

devoid of the Holy Spirit, not appear as one to them.)

"Under the guise of the Edenic serpent he first fashioned himself "as an angel of light" (Gen. 3:1; 2 Cor 11:14), it would not at all be surprising, therefore, if his sate demons should so fashion themselves, and assume the semblance of human form, should occasion so require."

(The only thing scripture explicitly says 

Satan can TRANSFORM into 

is an angel of light.)

"Scripture is remarkably reticent on this phase of demonology..."

(With good reason as its simply not a thing.

This is what is known philosophically as an "argument from silence".)

"The argument from silence is a pattern of reasoning in which the failure of a known source to mention a particular fact or event is used as the ground of an inference, usually to the conclusion that the supposed fact is untrue or the supposed event did not actually happen."


Making things up to fit 

your belief in how they should be, 

not by what is evident, shown, started etc. See the angel view of Genesis 6 again.)

"Scriptural truth, however, at once disposes of the notion of "half-spirits," and with it the greater part of rabbinic and ethnic demonology, where the essential characteristic of spirit is violated."

"Presenting demons, then, as purely spiritual beings, Scripture uniformly views them as above the operation of natural law, and not subject to human visibility, or other sensory perception. Hence the Bible's freedom from magical rites and methods, which vitiate and contaminate non-Biblical systems. Notwithstanding this general recognition of the spirituality and non-visibility of demons, it must be carefully noted that the Word of God does recognize the principle of the transcendence of natural law in divine miracle." 

(Yeah, agreed, know a lil bit about it.)

"...Thus it was that the Patmos seer saw the horrible locust demons, in their awful last-day eruption from the abyss (Rev. 9:1-12). And thus he saw the three hideous unclean frog-like spirits, which come out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet" (Rev. 16:13-16).

"John glimpsed these denizens of the evil spirit world by super- natural vision. Nevertheless, the demon-locusts and frog-like evil spirits will be invisible to the natural eye, but their presence will be known by the intense suffering they inflict, and the gross deception they cause

(c.f.  1 Kings 22:19-22"

(It's starting to get a lil more than odd to me in that the author not only does not mention that passage? But he also attributes capabilities to Satan and his demons by inference that are quite simply not there.)

"which will be unavoidable because of their invisibility and the human inability to provide any material screen against their attack."

(This book was written is 1953, 

the Kenneth Arnold sightings took place in 1947, we know things now that the author of this book simply didn't have the means to know, namely, that UAP are indeed very visible, thus rendering his argument otherwise as completely invalid.

It also gives credence to my argument, that God wants you to see them, that their eight characteristics are indicative of the new age that is coming, (David was the 8th son, their were 8 people on the ark etc.) God simply wants you to know that the spiritual realm is real and to be able to make an informed decision as we approach the last of Daniels seventy sevens.

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Ask yourself, Would Satan want you to know that?

The locust of the deep are angels

The case for what I am ascertaining just continues getting validated.

I wonder why?

Thats sarcasm BTW.)

"...the last day outbreak of miraculous evil supernaturalism (II Thess. 2:9; Rev. 13:13-15)...Denying all possibility of diabolic miracle as an underlying cause and dynamic, it seems difficult to account for the perpetuation of such a vast mass of superstition and fanaticism from the very dawn of historical times to the present."


That evil spirits are believed to possess superhuman knowledge, especially foreknowledge, is attested by the widespread practice of seeking oracles from them...

(I agree, its just not complete knowledge, know body knows the ultimate plan except God himself cf Matthew 24:36 NIV adds "nor the son" Oops.)

Scripture, moreover, uniformly emphasizes their perspicacity: they know Jesus (Mark 1:24), bow before Him (Mark 5:6), speak of Him as the "Son of the Most High God" (Mark 5:7), 

(Why does the author not mention the fact that the first individual to call Jesus the son of God was possessed by a demon? Who better to know who he was? 

Given the other issues mentioned already (attributing things to Satan and his henchmen not included in scripture, things are starting to get a lil concerning TBH.)

realize that there can be no fellowship between light and darkness, between Him and them (Luke 8:28), entreat favors of Him (Luke 8:31), obey Him (Matt. 8:16), withhold knowledge of His incarnation and finished sacrifice (I John 4:1-3), prevent and corrupt sound doctrine (I Tim. 4:1-3)," 

(Doctrines LGBTQ+, not correct interpretations, Genesis 6:1-4. that make scripture more coherent and explain our world today.)

"discern between those sealed by God and those unsealed (Rev. 9:4), and comprehend the future, and their own inevitable doom (Matt. 8:29),"

(Revelation 9:4

And it was commanded them that 

they should not hurt 

the grass of the earth

neither any green thing, 

neither any tree

but only those men 


which have not the seal of God 

in their foreheads.


Chuck Missler, 1000's of interviews for his book on UFO's, not one abduction of a believer,

Gary Bates, Ufologist, 400 + cases of anyone who sings a hymn, calls on Christ name, incident stops and they wake up in their beds.

More confirmation that the locust of the deep are not Demonic but Angelic, they follow scripture:

"they should not hurt 

the grass of the earth, 

neither any green thing, 

neither any tree; 

but only those men 

which have not the seal of God 

in their foreheads.")

"Although the demons' knowledge is keen and supernatural, it is not a holy or saving knowledge. Demons "believe and shudder" (Jas. 2:19), but being confirmed in evil, never seek forgiveness, never plead for purity. They have a distinct realization that Jesus is Lord of the spirit-world, but their confession does not involve a saving trust, or a willing submission. They worship Christ (Mark 3:11), but their worship is not the adoration of love or the joy of holy communion but the mere bending of a lower to a higher will, in hate and resentment."

"As Satan's vast though finite wisdom became corrupted when he sinned (Ezek. 28:12, 17), it is reasonable to conclude that the great wisdom which characterizes angelic beings in general (2 Sam. 14:20), was, in the case of the multitude of angelic collaborators who followed him, likewise perverted. This is doubtless the explanation of the pre-eminent but unholy knowledge of the demons, which is used so relentlessly in ceaseless and indefatigable attempts to foil and frustrate God's plans and purposes."

(Everything but the attempted pollution of the blood line from Christ to Adam? Through procreation with mortal women? THAT? That their "unholy knowledge...used so relentlessly in ceaseless and indefatigable attempts to foil and frustrate God's plans and purposes is somehow not conceivable?

This is the foremost book on Biblical Demonology?

And this guy cant see clear as day the angel view is correct even though he knows:

"unholy knowledge of the demons, used so relentlessly in ceaseless and indefatigable attempts to foil and frustrate God's plans and purposes"?

Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ

Romans 5:12-21

WTF man?

I got this book so I could learn so things, 

(and I have, all praise be to God)

not so I could just demolish some of what he is saying or purposely (or inadvertently) leaving out.)


The depravity and complete moral turpitude of these unseen agents of evil are everywhere witnessed to in Scripture by the devilish effects they produce in their victims, and by the frequent epithet of "unclean" which is applied to them (Matt. 10:1; Mark 1:27; 3:11; Luke 4:36; Acts 8:7; Rev. 16:13). They use those whom they possess or influence as "instruments of unrighteousness" (Rom. 6:13), to promulgate "doctrines of demons" (I Tim. 4:1) and "destructive heresies" (II Pet. 2:1), leading not only to unmoral, but to immoral conduct.

(Unmoral means have no perception of morals, immoral means you know but dont care.) 

"...and their activity in the proclamation of doctrines of free love (I Tim. 4:3) with the consequent moral break-down of an orderly society.

(Ask yourself, where are we at?)

"Coupled with their superhuman intelligence and moral viciousness is an amazing strength. They have power over the human body to cause dumbness (Matt. 9:32-33), blindness (Matt. 12:22), insanity (Luke 8:26-36), suicidal mania (Mark 9:22), personal injuries (Mark 9:18), and various physical defects and deformities (Luke 13:11-17). They are represented as being of various degrees of wickedness (Matt. 12:45). Their titanic energy is seen in the supernatural strength they can impart to the human body (Luke 8:29). Power and great strength are prominent angelic attributes (Ps. 103:20; II Pet. 2:11), which, like wisdom, were vitiated and perverted in the rebellious angels (Matt. 12:29)."


Satan and evil spirits are untiring and ceaseless in the prosecution of enterprises of deception and wickedness. 

(Attempted assassination much?)


Opposition to God's will is Satan's main objective."

(Again, they just didn't have enough knowledge to try and pollute the bloodline through procreating with mortal women RIGHT?

Its the whole reason for the flood.

Its why Noah was "perfect in his generations"

It's not my fault you haven't heard it explained 

in this manner before.

Go ask your preachers why they haven't told you.

To chicken-shit in their ways thinkin youre gonna run them off would be my guess, so much for  carrying that cross there preacher man.

An unschooled hippie biker pothead freak gotta come break tit down for you?

Who could have possible chosen and unschooled, uneducated person matters such as these to do such a thing?


Riddle me that one.


David wasn't even considered for the line up.

They had to go get him out tending the flock.

It's always the last person you would expect,

it matches with the themes and make-up of of his word.








(Why the fuck would I live in a garage if I did?)

















3. 5 YEARS.




"The appellation "Satan" means "adversary"-primarily God's adversary (Job 1:6; Matt. 13:39) and secondarily, man's opponent (Zech. 3:1; I Pet. 5:8). The designation "devil" signifies "slanderer"-accusing God before men (Gen. 3:1-5), and men before God (Job 1:9, 11; 2:4-5; Rev. 12:10). It was the intrusion of his will against the divine will in the original apostasy (Isa. 14:13-14), and the concurrence of a vast multitude of angels in the rebellion that forever set the pattern of Satanic and demonic attitude as opposition, and exaltation of self "against all that is called God or that is worshipped," (2 Thess. 2:4). "From the murder of Abel (Gen. 4:8) to Herod's slaughter of the innocents (Matt. 2:16), Satan's implacable hatred of the Promised Seed, and his antagonism to God's Messiah and the divine purpose in Him, can be unmistakably traced. Since demons serve Satan as king (Matt. 12:26), like him they oppose God."

(The bible never explicitly calls him a king, only a prince, his 

minions serve him as a king even though he isnt.

(Satan's implacable hatred of the Promised Seed,

(Did I mention Noah was perfect in his generations?)

 and his antagonism to God's Messiah and the divine purpose in Him, 

can be unmistakably traced.

(Just not in Genesis 6, 

makes perfect sense.)

Again, just not enough hatred to pollute the bloodline by fallen angels having sex with mortal women right? 

You don't need the book of Enoch to make this case BTW.

Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ

(Bloodline had to flow from one to the other

Satan knows this, he just doesnt know how.)

Romans 5:12-21.

Noah was perfect in his generations.

Genesis 6:9.

So this guy?

Who wrote the foremost book on Biblical Demonology in the 20th century?

Knows all about:

"Opposition to God's will is Satan's main objective."


"Satan's implacable hatred of the Promised Seed,"

But leaves out Noah being perfect in his generations when talking about biblical support for the Angel view?

And to be fair, it was about the angel view being the origin of demons and he did point out that others (my self included) hold the angel view of Genesis 6, but that the cosmic apostasy that happened before creation, was the origin of demons.

Subtle much?

What entity would do such a thing?

Noah was perfect in his generations.

Genesis 6:9Genesis 6:9.



You can throw in the fact that Mr. Unger attributes Satan with being capable of things that scripture just does not say he has the ability to do, and leaves out the fact that one of the sightings of Satan in human form was in a vision and...

Draw your own conclusions.)

"In the personal appearance of Satan to tempt the Lord Jesus (Matt. 4:1-11), in the tremendous demonic disturbance that every where attempted to frustrate His public ministry, in the betrayal of Judas (Luke 22:3) and the denial of Peter (Luke 22:31), and in the terrific blindness and deception of Jewish leaders, may be discerned the venomous resistance of Satan and demons to God's plans and purposes in Christ."

(Not even going to bother sayin it, 

you should already know by now 

what I am thinking.)


Sometimes evil spirits jeopardize man's temporal and eternal well-being by exercising a certain control over natural phenomena. To afflict Job, Satan employed lightning, whirlwind, and disease (Job 1:12, 16, 19; 2:7). The woman who had "a spirit of infirmity" is said to have been bound by Satan for eighteen years (Luke 13:11, 18). The violent Galilean storm, in which the disciples awoke the slumbering Saviour, is traceable to Satanic and demonic agency (Mark 4:39)"

"More often evil spirits imperil man's well-being by subjecting him to temptation. Many Scriptures specifically ascribe this power to Satan (Gen. 3:1-7; Matt. 4:8; John 13:27; Acts 5:3; I Thess. 3:5). and his solicitations are represented as both negative and positive (Matt. 13:38-39). He not only takes away the good seed, but sows the tares. Assuredly this power of temptation is possessed by Satan's many subordinate evil spirits, through whose instrumentality he accomplishes his nefarious purposes. "The prince of the powers of the air, the spirits that are now at work in the hearts of the sons of disobedience" (Eph. 2:2 Weymouth) may be thought of as conjointly, perpetually, and indefatigably engaged in a vast program of suggestion and solicitation for evil."

"It seems evident from Scripture that the activity of demons isso intimately and inseparably bound up with their prince-leader"

(He is not a king!)

"that their work and his is identified rather than differentiated. Thus the earthly ministry of our Lord is described as going about "doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil" (Acts 10:38). It is obvious, even from a cursory examination of the facts, that this so-called oppression of the "devil" was largely the work of his emissaries and servants, the demons. Doubtless, very crucial cases of temptation (Matt. 4:1; Luke 22:3; 22:31) are the direct task of Satan himself, but since he is neither omnipresent, omnipotent, nor omniscient, the greater part of this colossal activity must be thought of as delegated to demons. Demons also distress mankind by deranging both body and mind"

(Trans tribe anybody?

They need prayer, bad.)

"in so-called "demon-possession" 

(Mark 1:23-27; 5:1-20).


"Demons are the instruments for executing God's plans for punishing the ungodly (Ps. 78:40)."

(Consider then, how are the locust of the deep demonic if:

Revelation 9:4

They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, 

but only those people who did not have 

the seal of God on their foreheads.


"Wicked Ahab was punished for his crimes by a "lying spirit" which Jehovah put in the mouth prophets to lead him disaster at Ramoth Gilead (1 Kings 22:23) ."

Lets consider more of the context than the author alludes to:

1 Kings 22:19-22

19 Micaiah continued, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne with all the multitudes of heaven standing around him on his right and on his left. 20 And the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?“One suggested this, and another that. 21 Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the Lord and said, ‘I will entice him.’

22 “‘By what means?’ the Lord asked.

“‘I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said.

“‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the Lord. ‘Go and do it.’

Thats not a demon.

That is not a fallen angel.

"I saw the Lord sitting on his throne 

with all the multitudes of heaven 

standing around him on his right and on his left"

How does this guy miss that one?

That one was unintentional?


One is an accident, 

two is a trend,

three is a pattern.

What we got here?

Like 5 or more now?

All accidents?

Yeah, the laws of probability sat what?)

"Demons lure the God-resisting armies of Armageddon to similar catastrophe (Rev. 16:13-16)."

"Job is brought through Satanic testing to a place of spiritual enlargement and refinement (Job 42:5-6)."

(Familiar...more than a lil bit. 

I haven't just studied it, much like Job?

I lived it.

So yeah come explain it to me how it works and what it means

all of those who have only studied it.)

"Satan and demons illustrate, for all time, the nature and fate of moral evil (Matt. 8:29). The consignment of Satan and his angels to the "eternal fire" which is prepared for them and for those who follow them (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10) will not only be a vindication of God's permission of their evil agency, but it will also furnish a demonstration to the entire moral universe of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and its inevitable penalty and punishment."


"Though Satan has great power, he is circumscribed by bounds and limitations, beyond which he may not go. He is now permitted to employ an innumerable host of demons who are free to obey his behests, but he is not permitted to marshal all the evil agencies who would fain follow him in his diabolical designs. But, in the last judgments consummating this age, and in augmentation of the punishments of the ungodly, he will be allowed to swell the ranks of his armies with multitudes of evil beings now restrained in the underworld."

(I obviously disagree, and for a wide variety of reasons already presented in a presentation done a lil while ago, and with what has been mentioned here in this piece previously, this one is a no-brainer as well, it really is.)


(Says who? This guy? With everything else he has missed (intentionally or not) and left out? Remember my position is there are two ABYSS, one for the angels who rebelled with Satan and took things farther than they should have and procreated with mortal woman, and one for Gods destroyer angels, to demonstrate to you that the end of an age is coming.

Enlarge it, download it, do whatever you gotta do to see it.

There is nothing in the book that explicitly says what I am saying here but unlike the author has done,  its not like I am telling you Satan has powers that the book doesn't say he does. Pick your poison I guess. I know which position Id take Obviously.)

"Although Scripture mentions the prison of evil spirits, and its multitudinous prisoners, nothing is revealed of evil spirt when the imprisonment took place. The disimprisonment of its malignant tenants, however, is graphically recounted (Rev. 9:1-11). John saw "a star from heaven fallen unto the earth" to whom was given "the key of the star (Rev. 9:1). Commentators disagree whether the star represents Satan, or a fallen or an unfallen angel, or an apostate leader, or other being. On the other hand, the unlocking of the pit of the abyss, and the swarms of supernatural, infernal "locusts" which issue from the resulting smoke, it is generally agreed, represent the loosing of myriads of destructive and delusive demons to deceive and torment both Jew and Gentile in the end time."

("it is generally agreed"


The exegesis in the interpreters bible expressed a dissenting opinion in 1973.

"demons to deceive"

As shown in 

1 Kings 22:19-22

Not all deceiving spirits are demons.

Depends on gods plans.


As far as

"torment both Jew and Gentile in the end time."

is concerned?


Revelation 9:4

"only those who did not have 

the seal of God on their foreheads."

Why would Satan's henchmen not harm them?

Seems like those would be the ones 

they would be inclined to harm.

See above about Missler and Gary Bates etc.)

The pit of the abyss, from whence these teeming demonic agencies emerge, is not Hades, the abode of the spirits of wicked human beings until the second resurrection, nor Tartarus, the prison house of the fallen angels (II Pet. 2:4; Jude v. 6), nor the lake of fire, the final doom of Satan and his angels (Matt. 25:41); but it is the place of the present detention of many fallen spirits, who, for some reason, have been denied the privilege which many of their colleagues enjoy, of ranging at large."


"for some reason"

is pretty obvious.

Some went to far in their rebellion

and procreated with mortal women.

If not?


What other piece of scripture ties up as many loose ends as a proper interpretation of 

Genesis 6:1-4 


Noah perfect in his generations.

Spies in canaan.


Goliaths brothers

Giants still around after the flood.

Angels bound up.

"To this spiritual goal some of the demons

who once were loose, 

have been by divine justice and power remanded 

(Luke 8:31)."

(What is your reasoning for why 

just some of them are bound until judgement?

(and it doesn't say who does the judging mind you:

1 Corinthians 6:3

"Do you not know that we shall judge the angels..."

And how more just could it be

that the race the rebellious ones caused so much havoc and turmoil for?

get to judge them?

Does that fit Gods character

as a just god or not?

And does any reasoning 

explaining why some angels are locked up 

and some of them aren't

come anywhere close to explaining all of the following:

Noah perfect in his generations.

Spies in Canaan.


Goliaths brothers. 

Giants still around after the flood.

If not?

Then I'm going with my explanation(s)

"John, the Revelator, gives an account of 

another vast host of spirit-beings"

(The author is multiplying entities at this point. Oops.)

which like the demon-locusts

(Faulty assumption)

are let loose upon the idolatrous 

and demon-worshipping masses of mankind 

in the closing years of this age

 (Rev. 9:13-21). 

(Think that aint us now?


"Simultaneously, with the loosing of four angels 

"that are bound at the great river Euphrates" (ν. 14), 

this invisible 

(Said who? Where? lets be like the Bereans 

and go check the scripture.)

"infernal cavalry,

(Again, says who?)

two hundred million strong, 

appears as their agent 

to slay one-third of earth's godless hordes."

(Nuclear war anybody?)

"Whether these strange, bizarre spirit-beings, with their hideous composite constitution, and their death-dealing power, are to be classified as demonic agencies, cannot be clearly ascertained."

(Once again we have the advantage of hindsight not afforded the author of the book written in 1953.

1) There simply wasn't the preponderance of nuclear weapons like we have today.

(Goes to the description:

"having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone."

(A combination of Nukes and something else altogether (you'll see) is my position).

2) In 1953 China didn't have the extremely large modern military that it does today.

Goes to:

"Loose the four angels 

which are bound in the great river Euphrates."

(vs 14)

as well as:

Revelation 16:12

And the sixth angel poured out his vial 

upon the great river Euphrates; 

and the water thereof was dried up, 

that the way 

of the kings of the east 

might be prepared.

Thats already happened/happening 

and the kings from the east 

would obviously be China.

I forget nobody knows geography anymore, 

go look at a map and position China w the Euphrates River.

This is once again 

something that the author 

does not take into consideration.

So knowing what we do today.

Nukes, and an army coming from China 

seems much more likely 

than another set of 

(Unaccounted for biblically)





to try and force things to follow

 a human like fashion

(ie, some type of chronology).

If you accept the locust of the deep in 

Revelation 9: 1-11 

as being angelic and not being demonic?

Then there is no need to explain 

the passage of scripture that follows 

Revelation 9:13-21.

(I skipped vs 12 about the woes 

as it isn't related to the issue at hand.)

as somehow more unaccounted for demons.

The need to follow the locust of the deep

 with more demons afterwards

(vs 13-21.)

even though the imagery is just as vivid,

But the need to make them more demons 

simply because you have decided the first group is

simply disappears.

The authors logic simply violates 

Occams Razor 

which states:

"What is Occam's razor? Occam's razor is a principle of theory construction or evaluation according to which, other things equal, explanations that posit fewer entities, or fewer kinds of entities, are to be preferred to explanations that posit more."

So the question now becomes,

given the authors scholarly background?

Do you honestly think he didn't know he was doing so?

Thats a really hard sell for me.

I have come to the conclusion 

that I have fought so hard against reaching 

which is this:




And I don't care who you are, or how many degrees you have, who your daddy was, what others in ecclesiastical positions think of your work/positions etc. 

With the deception on such a grand scale 

as we witnessed this past Saturday, 

Its simply to late in the game 

for that kinda stupid shit anymore.

be offended,

truth don't care what you think.)

 "Whether the supernatural army (cf. 2 Kings 2:11: 6:13-17) was all the while free, or like the four angels, bound, and if so, where, is not stated. They simply appear on the scene, and spring into their aggressive nd destructive career."


If you accept the premises that they aren't

"a supernatural army"

"Whether they are bound or free or where" 

is simply of no concern.


"things equal, explanations that posit fewer entities, or fewer kinds of entities, are to be preferred to explanations that posit more."

Occams razor in that instance therefore isn't violated.

Im telling you right now 

and Ive been trying to get people to understand this 

you aint fuckin wit me

your fuckin with the Holy Spirit.

Good luck.)


These spirits, as constituting the "powers of the air" 

(Ephesians 2:2

Wherein in time past 

ye walked according to the course of this world, 

according to the prince 

(Not a King)

of the power of the air, 

(Not a kingdom.)

the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:)


"the powers of darkness" (Col. 1:13), under Satan their prince, are the the spiritual foes against who believers in this age must wrestle (Eph. 6:11-12). They will doubtless retain their freedom to range at large in the heavenlies with Satan until he is cast out of heaven into the earth (Rev. 12:9). With him, they will doubtless be cast into the abyss at the second coming of Christ, to remain there during the millennium (Rev. 20:1-3), and will share his eternal fate in the lake of fire (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10)."


Fallen, like unfallen, angelic beings constitute a vast multitude (Dan. 7:10; Rev. 12:4, 7). As the good spirits have various ranks and endowments in an orderly arrangement, it would be strange, indeed, to find Satan's host a mere uncoordinated mob. So far from this being the case, Satan's "kingdom" (Matt. 12:26) is revealed as a highly systematized empire of evil, elaborately organized. Satan's authority, it seems, extends over two distinct orders of beings the Satanic order of the earth, and the Satanic host of the air."

(Skipped the ones in the Abyss here did ya?


Cause they aren't demons and he knows it perhps?

A funny thing about perpetuating falsehoods, 

(like we saw Saturday) 

its kinda hard to cover all your tracks.

And there is a really simple solution as to why 

each specific order of demons are where they are located, 

I mean really simple easy peasy.

 We will get to it, but the author is now going to get into three distinct orders of demons and their locations:

The satanic order of Demons in the air.

The satanic order of Demons on this earth.

The imprisoned Demons in the Abyss.

Along with commentary along the way, after his assertations on each class?

 I will assert what the holy spirit has revealed to me to.


In this sphere Satan rules over unregenerate mankind. He secured the scepter of government in the earth from Adam, by right of conquest (Gen. 3:1-6; Matt. 4:8-9; John 12:31), and has organized the present world-system upon his own cosmic principles of pride, ambition, selfishness, force, greed, and pleasure. 

(Sound familiar? It should, were almost to its zenith.)

(John 14:30; 18:36; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; 1 John 2:15-17). 

"Imposing, outwardly religious, 

(I will send them strong delusion) 

scientific, cultured, elegant, this world-system, nevertheless, is dominated by Satanic principles, and is beneath its deceptive veneer a seething cauldron of national and international ambitions, and commercial rivalries. Satan and his elaborately organized hierarchy of evil (Dan, 10:13; Eph. 6:12) are often the invisible agents, and the real motivating power and intelligence behind the dictators, kings, presidents, and governors, who are the visible rulers. 

(We saw that on display this last Saturday.)

"Armed force and periodic wars, with wholesale murder and violence, are its indispensable concomitants,"

(Thats exactly what we have seen in this country since the Kennedy assassination, only not just "periodic wars" but continuous as of late.


Informs you of a few things maybe you didn't know, or haven't considered, sounds all nice and everything but upon closer inspection doesn't solve the following:

Ask yourself:

Did the author explain:

 Who these demons are?

Where did they came from? 

Or why they ended up 

"Of the earth"? 

(That last one is extremely important BTW)

He didn't even come close 

to explaining 

any of those questions, 

he simply ignored them all together.




there's a very simple explanation coming up.)


"In this category Satan holds sway over the fallen spirits," 

(If these are "fallen spirits"? Then what are the ones "of the earth"? Why doesn't the author state what they are? And why are some "Of the earth" and some "of the air"? The author ignores the question, either because his view doesn't provide him with an answer, Or? he knows the answer and is being intentional with his omission. You already know which one I am going with.)

"who concurred in his primal rebellion."

(I 100% agree. This is the original cosmic rebellion before creation that gets Satan booted from the abode of God (3rd Heaven.) and this is how we have the spirit of Satan in the garden in the form of a snake.)

"His authority is without doubt what he has been permitted to retain from his creation.

(His authority, is only what God allows him to have.

 Dualistic view

"In theology, for example a ‘dualist’ is someone who believes that Good and Evil – or God and the Devil – are independent and more or less equal forces in the world." 

Hereby rendered by rendered null and void.)

 "These spirits, having an irrevocable choice to follow Satan, instead of remaining loyal to their Creator, have become irretrievably confirmed in wickedness, and irreparably abandoned to delusion. Hence, they are in full sympathy with their prince, and render him willing service in their varied ranks and positions of service in his highly organized kingdom of evil (Matt. 12:26). Their initial decision has forever wedded them to his deceptive program"

(Review the events of last Saturday again.)

"and also to his inevitable doom."


(Warning, fluff and deception coming!)

"Satan's organization extends not only to his order of the earth and his host of the air."

(Why are they differentiated again? 

Not explained.)

 "Even the demon-tenants of the abyss" 

(Faulty assumption much?)

"feel the subtle influence of his efficient systematization. They have over them as king the angel of the abyss: his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek tongue he hath the name Apollyon" (Rev. 9:11).

(Why does the author not mention the following:

1) "Apollyon (Ἀπολλύων) is the Greek name for Abaddon, the spiritual being (or place) named as the destroyer (or place of destruction), the exterminator, in Christian apocalyptic theology."

Nor does he mention:

2) Exodus 12:23

23 For the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.

With all of the knowledge this man possesses? To try and say he doesn't know what I asked just about in the two questions above? Pretty ridiculous line of reasoning in my book. He simply left it out on purpose.

Remember this:

What is being destroyed/exterminated here are the worlds false philosophical belief systems: Materialism, Naturalism, Rationalism, Reductionism, Darwinism, Polytheism, animism etc. None of those are viable belief systems as they can not explain UAP/Locust of the deep from Rev 9:1-11 etc.)

 "This king is not Satan himself." 

(Really? No kiddin? Thx.

Sarcasm, the highest form of humor.)

"Satan is, to be sure, prince of all the powers of darkness, but he has potentates and princelings under him, with their own particular responsibilities and tasks. 

It is Satan who opens the door..."

(I just about had a come apart 

to end all come aparts 

right there and then when I read that, 

and here is why:

Revelation 20:1-2

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, 

having the key of the bottomless pit 

and a great chain in his hand.

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent which is the devil, and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

So somehow? Satan has the key to the pit where he is going to be confined for a thousand years? And then, somehow it ends up in the hands of the angel who locks him up? (Notice its an angel that does the locking up of Satan up and not Christ, the creator of all is above all an angel (an arch angel it would be presumed since Lucifer was one) will suffice for the task.

This guy doesn't know that Uriel holds the key to the bottomless pit? Thus much scholarship advanced degrees etc and this guy is unaware of this? Again, kinda hard for me to buy that into line of reasoning. 

After reading that Satan somehow had the key to his own prison? I was forced to come to the conclusion I didn't want to reach:


Back to the book).

(Rev. 9:1-2) for the egress of the locust-spirits from the pit in the days of strong delusion and the "working of error" (II Thess. 2:11), but the immediate king of these malignant demons is one of Satan's angels, "the angel of the abyss."

(So Satan is a prince? But somehow a lesser being under him is a "King" over the malignant demons? I just cant do the mental gymnastics needed to reach these conclusions.)

"The king has a descriptive name, given in Hebrew and Greek, demonstrating that the awful demon eruption from the abyss has to do with both Jews and Gentiles in the end time. Christ is called "Jesus," because He is "The Saviour." The king is called "Abaddon," in Hebrew, and "Apollyon," in Greek, because he is a destroyer-the opposite of a Saviour."

(Okay so he finally mentions the meaning of the name but did he reference it with the destroyer entity in Exodus 12:23? Why are they there and others elsewhere? Sometimes the lie isn't what you say, but instead is, what you know you should have said, but intentionally left out and we simply have that all through this book.

As stated before getting into the authors take on:

The satanic order of Demons in the air.

The satanic order of Demons on this earth.

The imprisoned Demons in the Abyss.

There is a much simpler explanation 

that accounts for all three of the classes listed above, 

as well as explains other difficult to wrap our heads around scripture, 

solves a pretty difficult theological conundrum 

and lessens the "entities" needed to do so.


First I want to solve the difficult theological conundrum that apparently not that many have considered.

Lucifer's expulsion from Heaven (which makes him Satan from then on, and its the 3rd heaven, the abode of God, the sky is one, space is another, ty Bro Joe for explaining back in the day) this event is covered in both Isaiah 14: 12-17 and Ezekiel 28:14-19. The angels under his command rebelled with him and were likewise cast out and barred from Heaven.

A lot of us think, (and I used to as well until very recently) that is when Satan came to the earth, this is simply not the case, not quite yet anyway.

The fact is, when Satan was expelled from Heaven, he was given:

 "power over the air" 

Ephesians 2:2

King James Version

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince 

of the power of the air

the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

(Think about instantaneous mass media and how since the advent of Radio (not newspapers or books) deception has done nothing but been magnified exponentially, Radio then TV, then Internet, and now Social Media.)

There is yet another rebellion this time in

Revelation 12:7-9

King James Version

7 And there was war in heaven: 

Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; 

and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; 

neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, 

that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: 

(So he was cast out 

and unto the earth, 

and his angels were cast out with him.

Well? How many times can you get kicked out of Heaven?

This heaven? Where this war took place, Is the air of the earth that he and his angels are kicked out of, that place of residence but notice nothing is said to indicate that he doesn't still have power over it. He quite obviously still does, as given by the examples of the increasing deception at the hands of instantaneous mass media as listed above.

So when does this happen?

After Christ ascension,

Satan descends.

John 14:30

Hereafter I will not talk much with you: 

for the prince of this world cometh

and hath nothing in me.

This starts the church age,

the age of grace

(Unmerited favor you don't deserve and cant repay)

the 69th of Daniels 70 sevens

the one of undeterminable length

such as to give everyone 

as much time as possible 

to decide for themselves 

whether to follow Christ to the best of their ability or not.

And this is why we are told later:

Revelation 12:12

King James Version

12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

When his abode becomes the earth? He knows his day are about up. This is why technicaly, the "end times" started with Christ ascension and Satans descent. Given his supernatural intelligence, he knows his downward trajectory has been set in motion.

"Wait a minute drew, he was here on earth at least a few times."

He was only allowed "special visitation rights" 

I guess you might call it from when he was in the air, and as the author himself states, these are all highly special cases of tempting.

In the garden.

The book of Job.

The tempting of Christ.

Entering into Judas.

Affecting Peter.

So now here is our theological conundrum:

If Satan is kicked out of the abode of God ?

and relegated to being "The prince of the power of the air"?

And angels (of which the demons are the fallen ones) are spirit beings

Hebrews 1:14

Are they not all ministering spirits

sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

"Demons, hence, are scripturally presented as purely spiritual beings."

And therefore as the author stated have no need of a physical abode?


Satan and his henchmen are in the air and have no need of bodies since they are spirit beings.

Here is your really simple solution:


The evil disembodied spirits 

of the Nephelium, 

that were brought into existence 

on this earth 

and born into 

a physical presence 

and as such 

were in need of 

a physical residence 

until the time of judgement, 

solves this problem.

Everything else?

All other interpretations etc?

Multiply entities

(just as the author has done many times over)

and cause more problems than they solve.

Ask yourself:

If you go with anything else?

Any other interpretation to explain how demonic possession took place on this earth, outside of the disembodied spirits of the Nephelium?

Does it also explain:

Noah perfect in his generations.

Spies in canaan.


Goliaths brothers

Giants still around after the flood.

Angels bound up.


and why some were in the air

and others on the earth?

And why some were in need of a physical presence?

And others were not?

Not to mention:

"Wicked spirits came out of the body of them (ie of the women), for they were generated out of human beings, and from the Holy Watchers (angels) flows the beginning of their creation and their foundation."

"The spirits of heaven-in the heaven is their dwelling and the spirits begotten upon the earth-in the earth shall be their dwelling. And the spirits of the giants will devour, oppress, destroy, assault, do battle, and cast upon the earth and cause convulsions,"

Book of Enoch Chapter 15

Those on earth retained their composition (need a physical presence)

Those in the air did as well (not needing one)

If the book of Enoch and the Book of revelation were written at roughly the same time and it takes a while for things to be written on scrolls during this time and passed around and copies made etc., then how did the writer of Enoch know that?

Did I mention there is an Aramaic copy of the original Geez version laying in a bank vault in Europe? But I digress.

Other issues the author brought up included:

The locust of the deep being demons and also the following verses as referring to demons Revelation 9;13-21.

This creates issues (adds additional entity's, thereby violating Occam's Razor) because the scripture simply does not account for them or where they came from, or why they are where they are.

By ascertaining that they are not the demons the author claims they are (with zero scriptural support BTW) entity's are lessened such as not to violate Occam's razor and other pieces of difficult scripture are much more easily understood and fall into place, making things much more coherant and complete thereby proving the tenability of the position.

The whole point in all of this was to show just how well our times today match up with what we saw in the times of Noah. Only this time? Man is doing what the angels did the last time around.

Satan, being of supernatural intelligence knew this was going to be extremely important in the end times and this is why he went after the angel view of Genesis 6 some 400 years after Christ crucifixion. (400 years or so, 10 generations etc., enough time to pollute the views of the early church.

Certain types of people have just got to get it out of their heads that this is somehow "my" theology.


This comes straight from source.

Good luck working around it, 

you simply wont be able to.


Literal Meaning: 

To be sent with a message

Luke 21:15

For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.

Matthew 7:29

because he taught as one who had authority

and not as their teachers

(Well...been prayin for that (authority) for quite some time now, and people have know that fact for a good lil while as well. This is why the ones who haven't been in church there entire lives are having their lightbulbs turned on so to speak and the ones who have been there their whole lives are just utterly confounded BTW.

Did I mention:

Matthew 21:28-32

The Parable of the Two Sons

28 “What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’

29 “‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.

30 “Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.

31 “Which of the two did what his father wanted?”

“The first,” they answered.

Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32 For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.)

One more lil point.

Biblical Demonology was written by Merrill Unger in 1953. WW2 ended in 1945. After such wholesale carnage and destruction such as the world had never seen including the dropping of two atomic bombs, do you think people really wanted to think about demons/eschatology/end times etc? 

Not to mention the fact that this is a subject area not many people are willing to dive into. Combine those two facts and what better time to write the foremost book on biblical demonology in the 20th century.

Satan's pretty slick.

Ascertaining potential issues with my position:

"Well you said there were two different abyss, maybe the angel has one key and Satan has another."


But it doesnt explain why the destroyer angels are there to begin with which my oppion is, given so much havoc brought on the earth by so many do they all really need to be free and roaming around to cause more havoc?


the eight characteristics tell you they are indicating a new age is coming, my oppion is they were only to be let out when God needs to show them to the world in ever increasing frequency, intensity etc.


the author maintains they will be invisible we know they aren't. 

Well you said that nothing suggest that Satan lost his power over the air even though that's not his nor his demons abode when Michael kicks them out and to the earth.

Revelation 12:12

Therefore rejoice, you heavens

    and you who dwell in them!

If the angels are in the air now as indicated by that verse how does Satan still have power over the air?

1) Because we still see the intensified effect of it every day with more and more deception, disinformation etc


2) Perhaps its the angels in the 3rd Heaven which are the one that are rejoicing


Isaiah 14:12


12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground...

Yeah, I know, he will be


Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Well Ezekiel 28:17 says

Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.

Yeah I know.

And he did, just not initially.

John 14:30

Hereafter I will not talk much with you: 

for the prince of this world cometh, 

and hath nothing in me.

Ephesians 2:2

New International Version

2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

etc etc etc...

Know this.

I will always know where the weaknesses in my arguments are and be able to defend against them.

Those issues that I just brought up are orders of magnitude below the ones the author has with his book and do nothing to negate any of my contentions, particularly in reference to other difficult passages of scripture being explained fairly easily and present a much more coherant view all together.

65,000 cross reference in the bible or however many there are.

Pull on one thread you dont like?

(analogy for difficult pieces of scripture)

You quite obviously start unraveling others.

Proves it was written from outside of this time space continuum.

Cause 40 people over 1600 years

just could not have pulled it off.





Everybody already thinks I'm crazy enough anyway so here goes. Trust me, I wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't told to do so. Yes, this is the third post from my notes last night.

You be the guy/couple charged with announcing the start of the end times.

Where's the other guy that said that back then?

Find him and I'll listen to him.

Trouble is?

There aint one.

So I dont think I will.

Matthew 7:29

because he taught as one who had authority, 

and not as their teachers

Like I said, prayed for it for a long time and others can verify that.

My suggestion is:

Get used to it.

Movin on.


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