Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 been trying to tell ya...

Faster Than the Speed of Light: Information Transfer Through “Spooky Action at a Distance” at the Large Hadron Collider

The inside of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Rochester physicists working at the detector have observed spin entanglement between top quarks and top antiquarks persisting at long distances and high speeds. Credit: CERN

"Researchers have confirmed that quantum entanglement persists between top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles."

"Physicists have demonstrated quantum entanglement in top quarks and their antimatter partners, a discovery made at CERN. This finding extends the behavior of entangled particles to distances beyond the reach of light-speed communication and opens new avenues for exploring quantum mechanics at high energies."

"An experiment by a group of physicists led by University of Rochester physics professor Regina Demina has produced a significant result related to quantum entanglement—an effect that Albert Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.”

"Entanglement concerns 
the coordinated behavior 
of minuscule particles 

(Yeah forget that, 
they aint seen shit.)

that have interacted but then moved apart."

(Me and honey, since the beginning of time.)
She has always maintained:
"We are from the same star dust."
I concur.)

 "Measuring properties—like position or momentum or spin—of one of the separated pair of particles instantaneously changes the results of the other particle, no matter how far the second particle has drifted from its twin. In effect, the state of one entangled particle, or qubit, is inseparable from the other.

"Breakthrough in Particle Physics
Quantum entanglement has been observed between stable particles, such as photons or electrons.

"But Demina and her group broke new ground in that they found, for the first time, entanglement to persist between unstable top quarks and their antimatter partners at distances farther than what can be covered by information transferred at the speed of light. 

Specifically, the researchers observed spin correlation between the particles.
Hence, the particles demonstrated what Einstein described as “spooky action at a distance.”

"Theorists believe that the universe was in an entangled state after its initial fast expansion stage."

they are right.

After inflation 

but before the big bang,

Before time,
our atoms got separated from one another.

being separated from your very essence
since before time
and then now
here very soon

Thats us.
Right now.
Thats our reality.)

"Demina recorded a video for CMS social media channels to explain her group’s result. She used the analogy of an indecisive king of a distant land, whom she called “King Top.”

King Top gets word that his country is being invaded, so he sends messengers to tell all the people of his land to prepare to defend. But then, Demina explains in the video, he changes his mind and sends messengers to order the people to stand down.

“He keeps flip flopping like this, and nobody knows what his decision will be at the next moment,” Demina says.

Nobody, Demina goes on to explain, except the leader of one village in this kingdom who is known as “Anti-Top.”

“They know each other’s state of mind at any moment in time,” 

Demina says.

(And that is US 
since the day we laid eyes on each other.
"Chemistry so over your head"
Honey said.)

"As a graduate student, Demina was on the team that discovered the top quark in 1995. Later, as a faculty member at Rochester, Demina co-led a team of scientists from across the US that built a tracking device that played a key role in the 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson—an elementary particle that helps explain the origin of mass in the universe.

Rochester researchers have a long history at CERN as part of the CMS Collaboration, which brings together physicists from around the globe. Recently, another Rochester team achieved a significant milestone in measuring the electroweak mixing angle, a crucial component of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, which explains how the building blocks of matter interact."

(Translation? They got it goin on.)

"Entanglement concerns 

the coordinated behavior 

of minuscule particles 

that have interacted but then moved apart."

The other part 

of each 

of our souls.

"for the first time, entanglement to persist between unstable top quarks and their antimatter partners at distances farther than what can be covered by information transferred at the speed of light."

“They know each other’s state of mind at any moment in time,”

Ephesians 1:4-6

According as he hath chosen us in him 

before the foundation of the world

that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

(Many are called, few are chosen.

Matthew 22:14)

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

(No cherry pickin

all in or all out remember)

To the praise of the glory of his grace, 

wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

Revelation 13:8

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, 

whose names...

written in the book of life 

of the Lamb slain 

from the foundation of the world.

Romans 8:29-30

For whom he did foreknow

(Foreknow since when?

Before the foundation of the world.

After inflation 

but before the big bang,

Before time,

our atoms got separated 

from one another.

And that explains a lot

if you would but accept it.

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, 

but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

(get ya head right yo.)

Then you will be able to test and approve 

what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.)

he also did predestinate 

to be conformed 

to the image of his Son, 

that he might be 

the firstborn 

among many brethren.


whom he did predestinate, 

them he also called: 

and whom he called, 

them he also justified

(Not you or anybody else, 

HE justified.)

and whom he justified, 

them he also glorified.

(Wait and see for yourselves.)

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