Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Phase two

of the intelligence operation 

has begun 

and that is, 

the minimizing and ignoring 

of important questions 

that will go unanswered.

(911 anybody?)

Some social media personality 

is pointing this out to you?

Ill give you an example.

6 unanswered questions about the Trump shooting and its fallout

This is politico.

It has a decidedly "left tilt" in its bias.

Its not trump supporters who run this okay?

Quite the opposite.

Heres their six questions:

1. Why did the shooter target Trump?

(Whats it change when you find it out?


Completely irrelevant.)

2. How did this happen while Trump was under Secret Service protection?

(Its the only legitimate question they ask.)

3. What else did the shooter have planned?

(Is he gonna come back from the dead 

and finish his task?

Again, completely irrelevant.)

4. Will Republicans trust the FBI to carry out the investigation?

No, I assure you they wont 

(and again, what does that change or have to do with the events of the day?)

5. How will the attempted assassination affect the Republican National Convention?

(It wont, because the entire thing was so obviously a piece of social engineering


to look like an assassination attempt.

Think its an accident it happened the weekend before the convention? If you do I got some beachfront properity in Arizona you might be interested in.

This Shows the pre-planning and orchestration of the event.)

If you want to read politicos worthless piece of drivel go right ahead.

Heres some questions 

I had about the events that day, and not any are about the fall out afterwards.

1) "Trump could be heard on the video saying at least twice, 

"Let me get my shoes," 

(After almost getting his head blown off?, Hes worried about shoes?)

2) "Trump got to his feet moments later and could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his face, which was streaked with blood."

(An AR round hits your ear? Your gonna see some splatter immediately, there simply was none.)

3) "Secret Service agents fatally shot Crooks, who attacked from an elevated position 

outside the rally venue at a farm show in Butler, Pennsylvania, the agency said."

(They never specifically said from the roof of the building where people saw somebody climbing up the ladder, why?)

4) "One attendee was killed and two spectators were critically injured, authorities said." 

(Any autopsies, potentially showing bullets trajectories?

If not? Why so?)

5) "Video posted by an aide showed the former president deplaning his private jet 

flanked by U.S. Secret Service agents and heavily armed members of the agency’s counter assault team, an unusually visible show of force by his protective detail."

Why? Even after a supposed assassination attempt, why the unusually visible show of force. Do you really want the bad guys to know where you are all at that bad?

6) "A video posted to social media and geolocated by the AP shows the body of a person wearing gray camouflage lying motionless on the roof of a building at AGR International Inc., a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds where Trump’s rally was held."

This one is key, this really gives it away that its an intelligence operation designed to look like an assassination attempt. Posted by who, on what social media platform what happened to the social media post afterwards and how did AP come across it?

7) "Asked at the press conference whether law enforcement did not know the shooter was on the roof until he began firing, Kevin Rojek, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh Field Office, responded that “that is our assessment at this time.” “It is surprising” that the gunman was able to open fire on the stage before the Secret Service killed him, he added.

(Multiple people let security/law enforcement know he was climbing the roof, why were their concerns ignored?)

8) "After the first two or three bangs, people in the crowd looked startled, but not panicked."

(If they were gunshots whay arent they ducking and running for cover?)

9) "Former top Secret Service agents told The AP that 

Crooks should never have been allowed to gain access to the roof,

(Why was it allowed?)

10) "The Secret Service did not have a speaker at a news conference Saturday night where FBI and Pennsylvania State Police officials briefed reporters on the shooting investigation.

(Why not?)

11) presidential candidates and former presidents don’t typically get the same level of protection as the sitting president. In fact, Colo said he was surprised that the agency had staffed the event with a counter-sniper team.

(Why were they there to start with? shows the preplanning)

12) "One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder,"

(Who is he and has he been interrogated? And how does he defend his actions? if any of this is even real.)

13) "Law enforcement officials have not confirmed Trump was hit with a bullet."

(Still haven't, why not?)

14) "Law enforcement officials said on Saturday that Crooks carried no identification to the site of the shooting and had to be identified using other methods.

(Why no ID? "Other methods" Such as?)

“We’re looking at photographs right now and we’re trying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation,” 

With no ID on him and they are running "biometric confirmation" How did they know who he was?

(Again shows the preplanning)

That a decidedly non Pro-Trump website such as Politico 

would pose such superfluous questions?

Shows you 

just how much your information is controlled 

and that as asserted at the beginning of this:

Phase two 

of the intelligence operation 

has begun,

"The minimizing and ignoring 

of important questions."

Am I selling anything 

but salvation to anybody? 

Do I care about 

click bait

Ad revenue?

or followers?

or likes?

Why are you listening 

to those types of people? 

Shit is heating up.

Its getting very late in the game.

(Much later than you think)

Decision time.

Eternity is at stake.

Choose wisely.

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