Saturday, July 27, 2024


 always like Robert Reich

but he is way off the mark here.

Its got nothing to do with a

"coming dictatorship"

And everything to do with

"The Wrath of God being poured out."

The "Great Tribulation" 
The second half 
of the seven year tribulation period.
The last of Daniels "seventy sevens."
Christ beautiful Bride protected 
for his eminent return.

"Four years" 
pretty well fits.

Your "country", 
whats left of it by then?
is an afterthought,

The whole point being?
Seeing Whats coming ahead of time
and giving your life over to him.

Who better 
than an instrument of Satan 
who knows wats up
to point it out to you?

To quote my son?

"Oh yeah, he's cooked."

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