Saturday, July 20, 2024


 is the part that is bizarre to me:

"Trump has appeared at the Republican National Convention the past three days with a bandage over his right ear. But there has been no further word since Saturday from Trump’s campaign or other officials on his condition or treatment."

(Almost like they are saying:

"You and your cronnies can go do the lying yourselves

Were not gonna be doing it for you.)

"Instead, it has been allies and family members sharing news."

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, who served as Trump’s White House doctor and traveled to be with him after the shooting, said in a podcast interview Monday that Trump was missing part of his ear — “a little bit at the top” — but that the wound would heal.

“He was lucky,” Jackson said on “The Benny Show,” a conservative podcast hosted by Benny Johnson. ”It was far enough away from his head that there was no concussive effects from the bullet. And it just took the top of his ear off, a little bit of the top of his ear off as it passed through.”

"He said that the area would need to be treated with care to avoid further bleeding — “It’s not like a clean laceration like you would have with a knife or a blade, it’s a bullet track going by,” he said — but that Trump is “not going to need anything to be done with it. It’s going to be fine.”

(If its not what it is?

Then why be giving us a detailed description about what it is not?

Why not just have let us see the wound?

Or let whatever doctor treated him 

at the "local medical facility" 

report on what it was?


It’s not like a clean laceration like you would have with a knife or a blade."

Do your own calculus.

Its not hard to reach a conclusion.

Twice on tape asking for them.)

"The former president’s son Eric Trump said in an interview with CBS on Wednesday that his father had had “no stitches but certainly a nice flesh wound.”

Anybody heard anything about the shooters funeral yet?

Who was there?

Where was it?

When was it?

Who was the ndirector?

Saw the body removed from the top of the building?

Transported away?

(By ambuance one would think)

Who was the driver?

What hospital did they go to?

Who pronounced him dead?

Where is the death certificate?

Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin wants to know:

"When did they have the shooter in their sights?"

Forget that.

Find the answer the above questions sir.

It will tell you all you need to know.

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