Saturday, July 6, 2024

Misc ramblings etc...

 My brain is about overloaded...

between the Missler Genesis Series and reding this?

I think someone could easily understand why that is :-).

I've said many times that I know people read what I write here
(no matter how bad they try and hide it sometimes)
so it's just a lot easier for me to voice my opinions here
without all the emotion involved
than to have a heated discussion 
with friends I'd just as soon keep.
If not?
Hey, friends are seasonal, they come and they go,
lost plenty already, not scared to loose some more if that's what happens.
But in the mean time?
Id just as soon post my positions on contentious subjects here 
knowing people will know where I stand 
and avoid all the emotions of a heated discussion.

All that being said lol...

Here we go with some misc ramblings on various topics.

"Plants are conscious"

Seems to be a topic in todays world for some of us.

An Intrinsic Intelligence in no way shape or form 

makes anything conscious.

Intelligence and consciousness are two separate things, especially  Human level consciousness.

(being aware of the fact that we are aware of our existence).

The people that research this kind of stuff?

Cant come to an agreement on what consciousness actualy is.

Tells you all you need to know.

Can plants have 

an intrinsic intelligence?

The evidence seems to indicate so.

But consciousness?



and Ill get more into this in subsequent post with snippets from the book shown above.

(Published 1953 BTW, long since out of print.)

Angels are created beings.


Job 38:4-7.

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?

    Tell me, if you understand.

Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!

    Who stretched a measuring line across it?

On what were its footings set,

    or who laid its cornerstone—

while the morning stars sang together

    and all the angels shouted for joy

The Bible tells us that the angels were created for one reason: to do God’s will. To put it another way, they were created to be God’s instruments or agents to carry out His work. (In fact, the word “angel” actually means “messenger” or “agent”.) The Bible says, “Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word” (Psalm 103:20).

They are not something that just exist in your mind.

They are not the result of some cosmic consciousness in our brain cells passed down from generation to generation, it's not some primitive superstition, worked up into polytheism and then into monotheism etc.

People forget

The spiritual battle 

between good and evil

(and they are not equal force BTW, 

forget any dualistic 

"God of the good" 

and a God of the bad" 


has been going on since before creation.

Otherwise Satan wouldn't have existed in Eden.

I can hear it already

"Drew man come on dude..."

Answer me this then:

If angels and demons are just superstitions

passed down from generation to generation as some like to suggest?

How does every culture 

and every religion have them then?

"Mythology is evidence of a collective shared past."

(Noah to New Earth Series).

This aint mythology

this is scriptural truth.)

And I got one more:

To those of you who want to argue

angels and demons cant exist? 

How do you reconcile that

with the fact that 

entities that violate the laws of physics (UAP) do?

Come 'slain it to me...

I just cant do those mental gymnastics.

And besides, scripture is clear

and that where we always start.

Speaking of culture and things related to civilization lol...

There are some very specific criteria that have to be established 

to say something was a civilization.

Taking care of a special needs child 

(however dear to our hearts) 

or building a large scale structures 

in no way implies a "civilization".

You have to have a large populace 

in a specific geographical area 

and one of the most important things 

you have to have is large scale agriculture, 

(there is an exception in ancient Peru where it was off shore fisheries that we think supported the population) 

usually involving irrigation, food storage, and therfore construction, engineering etc.

So large structures and taking care of special needs children doesn't 

necessarily equate with civilization.

Side note: Gobekli tepe was generally thought to be a religious sanctuary of sorts and not a permanent settlement till the current excavators started their work. You might wanna ask yourself why the sudden change? Water storage, domestic shelters and tools, do not equate to a permanent settlement as they could have been built/used for use during the time of religious festivals etc. They have only excavated a small portion of it (5% or so) but to date no signs of large scale agriculture has been found, cereals were used but its not clear if they were wild or cultivated and the reliefs on the massive monoliths don't have any carvings of animal husbandry, or butchering. 

The fact that it is so close to the resting place of the ark  

(413 miles or so) 

and has carvings of animals that weren't around that area during the time it was constructed and used 

might have something to do with why the current excavators are calling it a "permanent settlement" and not a "religious sanctuary" as it was previously considered. Maybe...just sayin...

And thank you

bright_insight@IG for the information. He maintains the WEF wants the excavation to stop but I cant find a source independent of him saying such but it really wouldn't surprise me if that was the case.

Anyway(s) :-).

"There were humanoid creatures here before Adam.

Adam was the first human in that 

he was the first to receive 

the Neshama

the breath of God, a soul...

created in Gods image etc...

and then we see 

civilization coming into being soon thereafter."

I Said that in the Noah to New Earth/Tribulation Schematic Series 

and I stand by it today.

(Got that from...drum roll please...

Gerald Schroeder...yup...

go figure right?)


"The Pre-Adamite hypothesis or Pre-Adamism 

is the theological belief that humans 

(or intelligent 

yet non-human creatures

that's obviously the premises I go with) 

existed before the biblical character Adam. 

And I agree with that.

(intelligent yet non-human creatures)

And I think the archeological evidence 

we are seeing uncovered 

this day in age backs it up.

But they weren't humans yet as they didn't have souls.

Gods breath breathed into them.

It doesn't mean they weren't intelligent

or couldn't have built things etc.

And again

Taking care of the less fortunate 

simply doesn't equate to being a civilization.


it goes right along with my belief in:

Progressive creationism

"...the religious belief that God created new forms of life gradually over a period of hundreds of millions of years. As a form of old Earth creationism, it accepts mainstream geological and cosmological estimates for the age of the Earth, some tenets of biology such as microevolution as well as archaeology to make its case. In this view creation occurred in rapid bursts in which all "kinds" of plants and animals appear in stages lasting millions of years. The bursts are followed by periods of stasis or equilibrium to accommodate new arrivals. These bursts represent instances of God creating new types of organisms by divine intervention. As viewed from the archaeological record, progressive creationism holds that "species do not gradually appear by the steady transformation of its ancestors; [but] appear all at once and "fully formed."

"Religious proponents of this form of creationism have included Oral Roberts, Cyrus I. Scofield, Harry Rimmer, Jimmy Swaggart, Perry Stone, G. H. Pember, L. Allen Higley, Arthur Pink, Peter Ruckman, Finis Jennings Dake, Chuck Missler, E. W. Bullinger, Charles Welch, Victor Paul Wierwille, Donald Grey Barnhouse, Herbert W. Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong, Michael Pearl and Clarence Larkin."

(Missler and Larkin...two of the four I was told by the Holy Spirit to take a look at. All in w this.)

Drew why?

Because its what we see in the fossil record over and over again, and at a minimum we see this much more than we see the macroevolution postulated by Darwin who presupposed life was already here in the form of a single cell organism.)

Im telling ya 

you are running out of options 

for a coherent world view

Outside of Christianity

right now

for a reason yo.

Getting a sense of a:




World View yet?

(Side note:

Trying to pick a small hole 

in somebody else's




World View"

wont do a thing 

to help you form your own.)

So yeah,


Explains a lot.

Just like 

a proper interpretation of Genesis 6 explains a lot,

particularly about what's going on in our world right now.

(IDF jets bombed Hezbollah positions in Southern Lebanon 

on July 4th BTW, I'm sure everybody is aware of that)

This book:

kept referring to 

Genesis 1:2

Now the earth was formless and empty, 

darkness was over the surface of the deep, 

and the Spirit of God 

was hovering over the waters.

I was confused and had no idea 

what the author was trying to reference

(Book was written in 1953 remember)

it made no sense to me

but it turns out there was a view

up to the mid 50's

that has sense fallen out of favor 

(since the rise of young earth types

of which I am not one, 

I stay vigilantly skeptical 

of things coming to the party late

in the game so to speak.)

That there were multiple creations

And an undetermined amount of time


Genesis 1:1 

The Beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


Genesis 1:2

Now the earth was formless and empty, 

darkness was over the surface of the deep, 

and the Spirit of God  was hovering over the waters.

"Drew come on dude, your putting stuff in that's not there 

and you got all over the pretribulationist

 for doing exactly the same thing."

I understand that reasoning

I really do

However, lets consider:

Gap creationism

"By positing such an event, various observations in a wide range of fields, including the age of the Earth, the age of the universe, dinosaurs, fossils, ice cores, ice ages, and geological formations are allowed by adherents to have occurred as outlined by science without contradicting their literal belief in Genesis."

"Biblical support

Because there is no specific information given in Genesis concerning the proposed gap of time, other scriptures are used to support and explain what may have occurred during this period and to explain the specific linguistic reasoning behind this interpretation of the Hebrew text. 

A short list of examples is given below:

"The Masoretic Text contains a small mark at the end of Genesis 1:1, referred to as a rebhia, which acts as a "disjunctive accent", indicating that the reader is to pause before proceeding to the next verse. It is one indication, among others, that the waw which introduces verse 2 should be translated "but" rather than "and".

(That right there is more evidence supporting this train of thought than any of the "pretribulation passages" stitched together had. In one of Chuck Missler's commentaries (I cant remember which one) he stated that the Jewish mystics of old thought, at the restoration of all things, even the spaces between the letters of Gods word would have meaning. This gives Creedence to that line of reasoning. So why the pause?)

"The word "was" in Genesis 1:2 for some adherents is more accurately translated "became". Such a word choice makes the gap interpretation easier to see in modern English."

"God is perfect and everything He does is perfect, so a newly created Earth from the hand of God should not have been without form and void and shrouded in darkness. Deuteronomy 32:4, Isaiah 45:18  1 John 1:5"

The Holy Spirit was "renewing" the face of the Earth as he hovered over the face of the waters, noting that the water-covered planet already existed. Psalms 104:30

(New Living Translation:

"When you give them your breath, life is created"

Goes back to Adam and the Neshama)

"Angels already existed in a state of grace when God "laid the foundations of the Earth", so there had been at least one creative act of God before the six days of Genesis. Job 38:4–7

Satan and his angels caused the war in Heaven (Revelation 12:7–9) and had fallen from grace (Isaiah 14:12) (Luke 10:18) "in the beginning" which, since the serpent tempted Adam and Eve, had to have occurred before the Fall of man. Isaiah 14:12–15, Ezekiel 28:11–19, John 8:44










Always makes me smile BTW

that is why 

I started going through Chuck Misslers' 

commentaries on Genesis.

I want to know what he thought about it, 

(Gap creationism)

cause I had never heard of it before.

And that kinda gets me to where I am:

"My brain is about overloaded...

between the Missler Genesis Series and reading this?

I think someone could understand why that is :-)."

I understand that people can only soak up so much 

of what I am saying.

Their brains (sponges) get saturated 

and just cant take much more

and when I am in person 

and I recognize that?

I start talking about their interest 

or music 

or food or bikes or football or cooking or crafts etc, 

cause I can tell they have just had enough.

That is exactly what listening to Missler does to me.

Thats why I am (hopefully) 

just going to read his transcripts


Only like 24 more 

90 minute sessions to go lol...

But I cant do just one verse 

to get my answer 

on his take on Gap Creationism

So I might as well do the whole thing 

and share with yall is how I view it.

Rearranging Jim Jams 

since 1964 yo...

Just Updated:

to include:

"proponent of progressive creationism"

Gap Creationism?
That one Im gonna let stew for a lil bit
and I dont know how exactly 
that would get
reconciled with
progressive creationism.
So I'll do some more homework etc...

But I will say on the surface?
With what we are seeing discovered 
in our world?
it explains a lot as well.

Revelation 10:7

But in the days 
of the voice 
of the seventh angel, 
when he is about 
to sound his trumpet, 
the mystery of God 
will be fulfilled, 
just as He proclaimed 
to His servants the prophets.” 

Godspeed everybody.

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