Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Genesis 6:5


"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, 

and that every imagination 

of the thoughts of his heart 

was only evil continually."

(Thats right before the flood BTW)

This is now:

(Thats from a horror movie a few years ago BTW)

But what do you really think 
is getting ready to happen?

Simply to many parallels.
Between then and now.

And slaughterbots are a real thing
they have been developed.
They just aren't currently being used in warfare...

Quick somebody name me a fully developed weapon system that hasn't been used.

(Okay name me one besides the Neutron bomb now.
Exactly.)'s (IG)

Slaughterbots are a hypothetical type of weaponized autonomous drone. Imagine small, flying drones equipped with facial recognition and lethal weaponry. These drones could be programmed to autonomously identify and eliminate targets based on pre-set criteria. While the technology for highly autonomous weaponized drones exists, true "slaughterbots" with advanced AI and facial recognition capabilities aren't currently deployed in warfare (as of today May 2024).The concept of slaughterbots raises serious ethical concerns. Opponents argue that autonomous weapons systems lack human judgment and could lead to civilian casualties or unintended consequences.)

"Professor Hinton reiterated his concern that there were human extinction-level threats emerging."

“What I’m most concerned about is when these can autonomously make the decision to kill people," he said.

(Already here bud.)

And did I mention 4 different generative AI services all went down on June 4th of this year? the likelihood of which them all going down at the same time being so miniscule as to be considered a miracle?

People better wake up.

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