Friday, July 26, 2024


"drawing from the same original source"

remember that phrase.


Things always move

from a state of purity

to a state of 

pollution and corruption.

Romans 1:20-21

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

So whether its the tree of life

historys_mysteries3.14 (IG)

"Stone Relief Panel of an Assyrian Genie Holding Poppy Flowers Next to the Tree of Life 
(713-706 BC).

Across history, diverse cultures independently developed the concept of the Tree of Life."

(It just fails a test of simple logic to accept that.)

"From Mesopotamia's Assyrian Tree of Life symbolizing fertility and blessings, to the biblical Tree of Knowledge and the Nordic Yggdrasil linking realms of existence. these symbols echo cosmic interconnectedness and spiritual significance."

(One common source explains why that is.)

"Moreover, countless other cultures around the world, from ancient Egypt to Native American traditions, have their own interpretations of a Tree of Life, each reflecting universal themes of life cycles, wisdom, and the mysterious unity of all creation.

(One common source would better explains why that is.)

One common source 
is a lot more:
and far more 

"Across history, diverse cultures independently developed the concept..."

No they did not.
Its just not how we see things develop.
Its really not.
Not that many cultures 
that far apart
separated with 
time and distance
and not in communication 
with each other.
It simply defies logic.

There simply is no reason for them to have.

Same with all the 20 or however many different myths of the "Star-people" we have all over the globe.

Same with most of the ancient mysteries we cant figure out involving large structures all having roughly the same story:

"Strange people from a mysterious place way far away came and showed us "Magic" this how we built these structures and they also taught us that human sacrifice/infanticide
would appease the Gods. Etc."

All of those developed independent of one another?

As did

"diverse cultures independently developed the concept of the Tree of Life"

As did:

"This is the paradigm of all spiritual traditions that we are immortal souls temporarily incarnated in physical form."

- Graham Hancock

One common source they all derived from
seems a lot more likely.

Unger, Biblical Demonology p.18-19.
"Most of the great nations of antiquity have preserved traditions of such epic events as the creation of the world, the origin of man, the story of the fall, and the account of the flood. Some of these are only vaguely suggestive of the presentation in Genesis, and may be dismissed without mention; while others are so startingly similar as to require careful consideration. Of the later variety are the records in the ancient cuneiform language of Babylonia-Assyria. Stories of the creation, of mans forfeiture of eternal life in the "Myth of Adapa", and the deluge bear such striking resemblances, as well as notable differences, to the Genesis narratives as to demand explanation."

"How then is the similarity between the passages in Genesis and the versions contained in the inscriptions to be accounted for?"

"Effects are not produced without causes."

"The only explanation is that which has already been given to account for the similarity between primitive demonological facts and inferences contained in the earliest chapters of Genesis, and the traditions preserved in the records of the earliest nations of the earth. Their likeness is due to common inheritance possessed by all the nations of antiquity, of drawing from the same original source of primitive tradition, which dates from a time when the human race occupied a common home and held a common faith."

(And now let us consider:
not accounting for light getting here slower than it used to (not because its moving slower but because the universe is expanding faster, parameter not constant), 

and switching from an "orbital second" to an "atomic second" 

has screwed up all the radiocarbon dating 
and the cosmologist equations/theorems, almost like an entity wanted it that way.

Who is the God of this earth again?

So how far fetched is 

"Their likeness is due to common inheritance possessed by all the nations of antiquity, of drawing from the same original source of primitive tradition, which dates from a time when the human race occupied a common home and held a common faith."


I reiterate:

Romans 1:20-21

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

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