Thursday, July 18, 2024


what are the odds?

That I  am 100% right about my arguments made here:

Biblical demonology Pt.4 (Chapter5)

 "Description and Doom of the Demons


There aint no wiggle room.

All in or done with ya on the Genesis 6 stuff.

Its been proven conclusively at this point

No cherry picking allowed here.

We dont do that.

This was done for a reason.

So you would know, 

who we are 

and what time its getting ready to be.

Turned some heads a guarantee you that.

But how do I get that argument listed above so right?

And this one so wrong:

Quite frankly? I think this one is a no-brainer...

if that's a position someone wants to take?

Well thats fine.

Bring an army with ya if ya want.

Wont do you no good.

Wont change nothin...

To Every Christian Leader Supporting Trump?

Whats your position on Genesis 6?

Are you on the side of truth or not?

Pretty simple question.

Pretty easy to demonstrate its the truth.

Seriously start questioning these people.

I aint no:


And with great effect, obviously.

Here is what needs to be understood.

I made a cross necklace for honey a while back.

Several time she has mentioned she cant feel it on her

Its like its not even there she says.

I mean she  has said it a few times.

It was Saturday night

cause I told her Sunday morning.

"The reason you don't feel it is because God Blessed it through my hands."

(inanimate objects don't have power unless God puts it there.

No Im not making a bunch of them lol

They wouldn't be blessed anyway, just for the people that need them.)

"Its for protection."

She said I know.

I said

"I got that told that last night.

That was why it was you weren't feeling it.

I also got told, 


his power is flowing through you.

Just let it work."

Five days later?

The arguments contained here:

Biblical demonology Pt.4 (Chapter5)

 "Description and Doom of the Demons."

The day of that revelation?

I was riding to do a project with some friends of mine.

Ive been to this house a few times.

My buddy had me help him build a garage for the residents here.

Not like I don't know where its at etc.

Its just 20 minutes down the road.

Anyway, riding down 2nd day of the job

Middle of BFE?

Revelation comes.

and I drove around 2 blocks for 45 minutes 

looking for some place I had just been the day before 

and had worked there for several weeks 

a few years ago.

I was about to  hyperventilate when I got finally got there.

I immediately told my pastor friend what had just happened 

At the end of the day I told him about the revelation on the way in.

Only spirits of the Nephelium explain demonic possessions.

The others simply don't need homes.

(Explains a lot more that that as well.)

And that's how it works.

I think bilocation is coming.

I really do.

He can fold spacetime however he wants to.

Why cant he?

He made it...

That was the message 

from the being "lost" 

45 minutes the other day.

It wasn't Satanic punishment.

it was heavenly reward.

Letting me know

Theres "more yet".

As my friend says :-).

"Two most powerful people..."


Genesis 6 is just so critical.
Cause if you can understand that back then?

Then you can see the repeat performance with the roles of angels and men swapped out today.

AI is the antichrist.

UAP are the locust of the deep.

(their angelic, just call on his name it will all be okay.)

All these IG types?

Whats their eschatology?

They even got one?

Why havent they shared then?

See what I m sayin?

Why listen to these people?

And Andrew Tate?

Ive been disceting minute differences in newstories from different sources for 12 years longer than yiu afre old.

I listen to source.


And very few others.

And that's the way that's gonna stay.

Who cares what these people think?

They aren't telling you what's fueling all then chaos in the world 


Theyre not telling you what the only way out is.


So why listen to any of their garbage?

I just cant do it, Im allergic to it I really am.

Honey knows.

Love yall.

Im tired.

Eventful few days to say the least.

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