Tuesday, August 23, 2022

My argument is this


and it's all so very simple.

This all happened right in front of your eyes 

If you've been me these past the last few years?

This all happened right in front of your eyes 

It's kinda hard to deny:



(mis'te-siz'em) n. 

1 Any of various disciplines, usu. involving meditation and asceticism, by which one can supposedly attain intuitive knowledge of or direct union with God or some ultimate reality. 2 The experience of such knowledge or union. 3 Any theory or belief which states that it is possible to have immediate, intuitive experience of realities beyond man's senses or rational faculties. 4 Vague or obscure thinking.



 u. tat-ed, tat-ing .i. 

1 To engage in contemplative thought.-.. 2 To think about; consider. tle or rec. 3 To think about doing, intend: to meditate mischief. [<L about or meditari muse, ponder)-meditative adj. -med'i-ta'tive effecting ly adu-meditator n-Syn. 1 contemplate, muse, reflect. 11 med-i-ta-tion (med's t'shan) n. The act of meditating, deep, deliberate thought; contemplation.



(o-set'ik) n. 

1 A religious hermit or recluse, 2 One who leads a very austere and self-denying life-adj wing small flow- Given to or involving severe self-denial and austerity:  as-ceti-cal. [<Gk. askëtes one who exercises (self-denial), a monk]-as-cet'l-cal...One who exercises self denial esp. as a way to greater spirituality, a monk.



(ô-stir") adj. 

1 Severe, grave, or stern, as in look or conduct. 2 Abstemious; ascetic. 3 Severely simple; unadorned. [<Gk. austeros harsh, bitter]-aus-tere'ly adv. aus-teri-ty (8-ster'a-te) n. pl. ties 1 The quality or condition of being austere. 2 An austere act, practice, or man ner. 3 Extreme or rigid economy. Also aus-tere'ness. 



(in'voo-ish'an) n. 

1 Quick perception of truth or knowledge without conscious attention or reasoning. 2 That which is perceived or known intuitively. [<L intueri look upon]-in'tu-l'tion-al adj-intuition-al-ly adu

In-tu-l-tive (in-ve-tiv) adj. 

1 Perceived by the mind without rigorous logic or analysis. 2 Discovering truth or reaching a just conclusion without resort to the powers of reason. -in-tu'l-tive-ly ade-in-tu'l-tive-ness n

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