Saturday, August 27, 2022

I know


it was long, probably confusing to some,  or just over most peoples heads, but the whole point about this:

Straight From

was this:

"During inflation, the Universe must have been devoid of matter-and-radiation and instead contained some sort of energy — whether inherent to space or as part of a field — that didn’t dilute as the Universe expanded. This means that inflationary expansion, unlike matter-and-radiation, didn’t follow a power law that leads back to a singularity but rather is exponential in character. 

"Some sort of energy that didn't dilute as the universe expanded and didn't follow a power law."

The author of that article just described perfectly the Hebrew God of creation without even knowing he did so.

#3 Given the meaning of the Hebrew word bara? think, "Initiated" the physical into existence.

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