Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Dear Euclid and friends :-).


trust me, 

they know who they are :-).

I like these gals, 

this group, 

fun bunch of people :-).

So lets just get right to it:

Remember last summer when you used to laugh at me about AI-powered Holograms?


"Emergence of digital humans

Of course, we will not be interacting with disembodied voices, but with AI-generated personas that are visually realistic. This brings me to the second rapidly advancing technology that will contribute to the AI Manipulation Problem: Digital humans. This is the branch of computer software aimed at deploying photorealistic simulated people that look, sound, move and make expressions so authentically that they can pass as real humans.

"While real-time generation of photorealistic humans seemed out of reach just a few years ago, rapid advancements in computing power, graphics engines and AI modeling techniques have made digital humans a viable near-term technology. In fact, major software vendors are already providing tools to make this a widespread capability. 

"For example, Unreal recently launched an easy-to-use tool called Metahuman Creator. This is specifically designed to enable the creation of convincing digital humans that can be animated in real-time for interactive engagement with consumers. Other vendors are developing similar tools."

"Masquerading as authentic humans

When combined, digital humans and LLMs will enable a world in which we regularly interact with Virtual Spokespeople (VSPs) that look, sound and act like authentic persons. 

In fact, a 2022 study by researchers from Lancaster University and U.C. Berkeley demonstrated that users are now unable to distinguish between authentic human faces and AI-generated faces. Even more troubling, they determined that users perceived the AI-generated faces as “more trustworthy” than real people.

"This suggests two very dangerous trends for the near future. First, we can expect to engage AI-driven systems to be disguised as authentic humans, and we will soon lack the ability to tell the difference.  Second, we are likely to trust disguised AI-driven systems more than actual human representatives."

'Personalized conversations with AI

"This is very dangerous, as we will soon find ourselves in personalized conversations with AI-driven spokespeople that are (a) indistinguishable from authentic humans, (b) inspire more trust than real people, and (c) could be deployed by corporations or state actors to pursue a specific conversational agenda, whether it’s to convince people to buy a particular product or believe a particular piece of misinformation."

The profound danger of conversational AI - Louis Rosenberg

Louis Rosenberg is founder of Unanimous AI 

and has been awarded more than 300 patents for VR, AR, and AI technologies.


One who sees. 

One who foretells future events, 

a prophet.

(God alone has the providence of foretelling future events BTW.)

Your friend:



It's kinda easy to foretell future events when you have had two encounters 

with this type technology a few years back. 


You never asked me about the story I wanted to tell you.

 You laughed about AI-powered Holograms masquerading as people,

but you didn't wanna hear my story?

We've had  lots of opportunities.

Come on now :-).

The invitation is still open, always open actually.

Come ask me sometime :-). 

I'll tell ya all about it.

I love yall, I really do...

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