Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Pastor Bridgette :-).


Sunday Sermon


New Chapel UMC

Mathew 4:1-11


Clouds choices."

(Lord does it ever :-)

"Satan didn't temp Christ the entire 40 days."

(I thought this was a great point that often gets overlooked.

We just have this:

"Yeah yeah yeah...

40 days in the desert...


blah blah blah...

Kinda attitude sometimes.

He waited till Christ was weak, 

then tempted him

It's kinda how he works...)

The biggest

(for me anyway)

"Heavy Hitter" of the day:

"The temptation is 

to prove who he was 

to somebody who didn't care."

(No need bothering.

A rich man doesn't have to prove it to anybody.

He already knows it.

Who he got to try and impress?

Why should he?

All flash = no substance.

It's a waste of time effort and energy,

 It's best saved for something else.)

"It always starts with food people!"


2nd favorite heavy hitter

You talk about smiling when she said that :-). 

Yes it does.

Apple in the garden.

Mana that's only good that day b4 it rots in the desert.

Satan w stones to bread etc...)

"Discontent w food leads to other things..."

(Not even gonna get into Food prices here lately.)

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