Monday, February 13, 2023



added it to my prayer list.

It's what we need.

I hope they can keep it going and that it spreads and grows.

he longest church service at Asbury since 1970 has been happening non-stop since Wednesday

"It is being referred to now by the community as a revival, but began on Wednesday spontaneously when students felt the urge to stay after the mandatory chapel service."

"Lloyd Ninaber had never heard of Asbury before, but after seeing the social media posts, he drove seven hours from North Carolina to see the revival in Wilmore for himself.

“With what’s going on in the world and all of the darkness, this was like light and light coming through,” said Ninaber. “So I wanted to see what was going on, and see God moving.”

"A revival like this is not uncommon for Asbury. Back in 1970, a similar service lasted for two weeks. Since then, there hasn’t been an act of worship of this length."

"Students and community members continue to find peace in dwelling and worshiping in the chapel, and say they don’t see signs of stopping anytime soon."

"Perfater, along with many students and faculty, encourage people to come to Asbury and see the revival for themselves."

“If it’s for 20 minutes, if it’s for a couple hours, if it’s for the week,” said Perfater. “You can’t lose anything, but you can gain everything.”

"you can blow out a candle 

but you can't blow out a fire 

Once the flame begins to catch

The wind will take it higher..."

Peter Gabriel - Biko...


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