Tuesday, February 21, 2023



Lil in a rush yesterday 


Gonna flush this piece out a lil bit.

My Dear Sister

"I know where the $ is coming from

so I'm really not worried about it all that much TBH."

To which both people replied :

(at different times)

"How do you know?

Who told you?"

I said:

"Nobody told me, 

I just figured it out..."

In the manner of about two seconds

while putting up hay

'How do you 

like that $10000 now?" 

was asked 

and a menacing glare given in response.

Knew right then.

Just keep going no matter what.

Everything you've been thinking to this point?

 Is 100% right on time.

It was literally confirmation for me.

in about 2 seconds.

That level of discernment that long ago.

So where do you think that level of discernment is now?

There was another incident like that that took about a second and a half.

Just a phrase said about a hillside by the airport 

and two glances exchanged :-).

Just that quick.

Thats all it took.

That one was a lil harder to wrap my head around.

That one was literally unbelievable to me.

But even given that?

I still knew what was being said by what was not being said 

and I could infer reasons for the airport expansion,

particularly given what others had said about somebody being:

"A powerful man."

a few years before this took place.

All the sudden things are making sense now.

So things were falling into place.

Then there was the day of the staged watching of the plane taking off from the airport.

(Revelation 12:14)

Knew right then.

By this time?

It wasn't unbelievable anymore :-).

it was more like...


Lil bit more from the Moses article:

The Faith of Moses 

Hebrews 11:23–29

Moses was a gifted leader whom God used to bring about His plan for Israel and the world. He was blessed with good looks, intelligence, opportunities, eloquence, and leadership ability (Ex. 2:2; Acts 7:20, 22). The Bible describes him as “the man of God” and “the servant of the Lᴏʀᴅ” (Dt. 33:1; 34:5). In fact, his relationship with God was so intimate that “the Lᴏʀᴅ spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Ex. 33:11).

(Hey dude wats up? Etc. 

He knows I'm respectful so dont even go there. 

More than anything? 

He just wants you to acknowledge him 

and have a relationship w him.)


First, Moses rejected his royal position: 

“By faith Moses, when he became of age [40 years old, Acts 7:23], refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter” (Heb. 11:24). This decision was an act of faith. He chose to leave his royal privilege in Egypt and identify with the Israelite slaves (Ex. 1:8–14).


Moses chose “rather to suffer affliction with the people of God” (Heb. 11:25). He viewed Israel not as slaves, but as God’s people. He knew the Lord had called him to be part of his people’s divine destiny and was willing to suffer affliction with them.

(Sound familiar yet? 

"Suffer affliction with them" 


"showing them the afflictions they are going to have to endure...)


Moses refused to “enjoy the passing pleasures of sin” (v. 25). His royal position offered him all the enjoyment and experiences of prestige and power that most men want. However, Moses shunned them all. For him to remain in Egypt’s court would have been the sin of disobedience because he knew God was calling him to a divine mission among the Israelites.

(Think "true believers")


Moses was well aware of the reproach he would suffer. He did not jump quickly to leave the royal court but carefully reflected on what it would cost him before making his life-changing decision. He was willing to suffer “reproach” (v. 26)—to be derided, laughed at, and persecuted for his choice.

It is not unreasonable to believe that Moses, being a deliverer of God’s people, suffered the same type of rejection and reproach from his people as would Jesus, the coming Messiah.

(Sound familiar? 

Kinda happening again dont ya think? Maybe? A lil bit? Moses had all kinds of excuses why he shouldn't do what God wanted him to. He's leaving the pharaohs court remember, so it makes sense to ponder, wonder take a minute consider etc. I said yes before he was done asking :-). Thats when he said "wait a minute now, this is going to be the hardest thing you'll ever have to do." I jumped at it anyway. It wasn't till a few minutes later I was told of the earthly recompense as well as the heavenly. Teaching his people a lesson: see this guy over here that doesn't want anything? Watch what I reward him with for doing what I want him to. Now what do all of you who crave such rewards think about things? Does it not just tell you flat out how God views earthly things? That he would share an abundance with one who never wanted it and all the ones who crave it are left gasping, mouth open, jaw dropped, wondering WTH just happened here? Moses was going from something to nothing so he pondered, I was going to go from nothing to something, so I jumped at it. See the correlation? Bookends the story. One is near the beginning, one is near the end etc...  )


Moses knew he would be rewarded for his faith, and “he looked to the reward” (v. 26). He did not look for earthly wealth and opulence but, rather, for spiritual wealth that was eternal and would be granted in the life to come.

(I dont look for it either, 

I'm comfortable with it or without it, 

I really dont care (like thats news to some lol), 

I already got eternal rewards 

that far outweigh anything available in this temporal realm. 

Luxury isn't a  sin, craving it is.)

"Did John the Baptist have to go to the desert?...

Nowhere does it say he was forced to live the life he chose.

Nobody went out to him and told him 

not to call the religious establishment of the day 

a den of snakes either."

Nobody was telling the crazy man out in the desert to go get a job either lol

Or if they did? It wasn't recoded in the book anyway :-)

Yeah, that one kinda makes me smile :-).

Hey ?

Did they listen to Noah?

When he was building his ark?

or did they laugh at him?

Did they follow Moses willingly?

or were they a bunch of grumblers and malcontents?

Starting to believe Im in pretty good company TBH.

have been...for a while now :-).

"Some may willingly choose an austere lifestyle of Asceticism,

while others may choose a lifestyle of business.

( Daniel 12:4

"...even to the time of the end: 

many shall run to and fro...)"

(I had liberally just wrote that and a few hours later?

here was this honest to goodness conversation 

with a buddy of mine:

Buddy: "Andrew? I'm busier than you are. 

I got other things I'm interested in. 

I got responsibilities and things that take my time."

Me: "I know you do, but I try to avoid those things."

I mean within two hours.

"I like to have fun" was said too :-).

I said I could tell that a long time ago lol.

Next time I hear 

"I like to have fun."

Im gonna say :

"Yeah, me too...

But I kinda got caught up in this cosmic drama 

that's unfolding right now 

but Im sure well manage to have some etc...:-).

"Come live in my head for five minutes" 

I said lol in reference to my affinity for a certain green seed bearing herb.

(It slows things down...It really does.)


I dont wanna."

 was said 

practically before I was done making the statement lol.

And the Poker game analogy?

At the end of the piece?

Did the players have a right to be upset?

For the Host 

calling things off ?

a lil earlier than expected?

When they all knew the day was fast approaching 

and it was all gonna soon be over with anyway?

Again, I think we all know the answers...

anyways lol

A few lil nuances added to yesterdays piece...

I love you baby.

TTYS honey.

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