Thursday, April 6, 2023



when you get all that figured out?

Psalms 119 excerpts etc...

Come lay it on me about which metaphysical beginning to the universe you go with and why.

(There's only like 5/6 choices, so choose wisely.)

Then when you are done w that?

Come explain consciousness and where it came from.

Then when your done with that?

Come lay it on me about where the rationality of the Human Brain came from.

And when you are done with that?

Come explain where the math came from.




I promise you I have a chair at my table for you to come explain it all to me. And I really wanna hear it, I really do... I'm begging practically, somebody plz come make it make more sense to me than what it does already.

(Good luck w dat.)

Just because some are looking for a "unified theory" of everything"?

Doesn't mean some of us dont already have one.

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