Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Good Morning


My Sunshine :-).

I love you baby.

Gonna add some 

"Honey Wisdom"

and few newer things 

in here today...

Ukraine doesn't have many men left.
It doesn't have any air defenses.
And it doesn't have any artillery.

The rest of the world?
 Besides the US and Europe?
 And the rest of the 40 countries in "The Alliance"?
Already knew all this.

Why were you told otherwise becomes the question.

These people (Press/WP, etc) 
couldn't tell you what was up on day three or four 
when the convey to Kiev stalled?

But now they gonna tell you wats wat?

I didn't even read it.
Just read the first three sentences again. 
Thats wats up.

And that's the "motivation" the "leak".
Give up, 
you dont stand a chance.
We told you dont get involved over here.
Now look at ya.

Thank you baby.

Loves me some Rumi.

We overextended ourselves with all our security guarantees.
Now were screwed.

It's not even going to be close 
like people are saying it's going to be.

It will come down to a war of attrition 
on our sub fleet.
54 subs.

You need two more "boats" than wat is deployed.
1 out on a mission.
1 coming home off a mission.
1 getting ready to go back out.

(Now I know where the Stones 
got the idea for three stages 
1 being built,
1 being tore down,
1 they would be playing on that evening,
on the Steel Wheels tour from.)

So your already down to 17 subs to start with.
I've read numerous places 
where the age of the sub fleet means 
it is needing more maintenance 
and we dont have the ability 
to even do that in a timely manner anymore.

So sometimes?
Your looking at 6 subs. on patrol in the pacific unless you take some away from oh IDK, lets see here... Yeah the Ukraine theatre.
Accident I'm sure.

China will just take the losses on its surface fleet,
And just keep building more antisubmarine ships/aircraft
and just keep patrolling the waters till they kill them all off.

They have been building their  
infrastructure to do so.
We cant do the maintenance we need.

It's really not hard to figure.

I about come unglued, I really did.

It's not:
"now clear to see"

It was clear to see a long time ago.
So why didn't the people at the WP see it?

Country has soviet era air defenses.
Russia has a modern air force it has really not used that much.

Nobody at WP could figure that out?
Or if they did they didn't tell anybody?

Done with em (WP).

they're just spitting out government propaganda 
at this point, they really are.

It aint like we dont do it.

Dad told me:

"It aint bragging,
If you back it up?
It's the truth."



Goals :-).
As far as 
style pattern etc...

Read it again...

Turned 32 years old the other day :-).
Thats "new" music to me lol.

Great record.
It kinda funny 
because we were just listening to it the other day
and then I was playing it at my place yesterday, 
and then this:

So that's really good news.

For me and a few of my friends it is anyway :-).

We really like Chris Cornell, 

Soundgarden etc...


Like I said.

Lil different start today.

I love you baby.

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