Thursday, April 13, 2023



many times somebody gotta tell you stuff before the experts do? (or it gets leaked) Before you believe in the spiritual gift of prophecy?


How any times exactly?

Here are the 7 biggest revelations from the US leaks so far

"...records detail alleged U.S. spying on allies, insights into American thinking on the war in Ukraine..."

(Who does that benefit again?

Us? or Russia?

So who do you really think did it?)

"...the Justice Department is overseeing a criminal investigation of the leak."

(Well hold on to your pants were gonna have a criminal investigation. Well golly gee willickers...One country is conducting acts of war, another ones going to have a criminal investigation. awesome.)

"At least one of the documents containing casualty estimates appears to have been altered"

(To the correct numbers, that's about as bad as they did it (Leak) to start with. And notice now how when they talk about that they are not publishing the altered 3's? Why?

17.500 Russia

71,500 Ukraine )

"...the leak has already done a lot of damage, forcing crucial U.S. allies to respond in what has become an arguably embarrassing incident for Washington.'

(It's just the start. 

I'm telling you this is exactly what the SolarWinds campaign was all about.)

"Ukraine air defense systems in peril"

(Who told you? 

Who went off on a rant explaining why the Russians weren't using there technologically more advanced and much more numerous aircraft?  

There ya go:

Air Defenses

Get ya some of that.

Every time the phrase was ever used on here.

Have fun.

I wrote it I know what it says.

The thing about writing things is?

You remember it longer, you think about it more, and it commits it to long term memory etc. I even deconstructed a Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) "the world’s oldest and the UK’s leading defence and security think tank" piece they did on it. Thats bye-bye RUSI and CSIS. Who needs ya? Not me.)

"Munitions for Soviet-era air defense systems deployed by Ukraine will soon run out, potentially imperiling Kyiv in the war against Russia, documents show."

(Well no kidding, go back to the air defenses search linked above. You aint gotta go rushing in all guns a blazing destroying everything all John Wayne cowboy style. You can make the other side use up all their ammo and just walk in eventually...Thatas another thing the leak was about: this is over. "You are loosing and you are going to continue to loose" was the message sent. )

"The S300 missile defense system is expected to run out of munitions by May and the SA-11 Gadfly system at the end of March, a document dated in February says."

"Both systems make up about 89 percent of Ukraine’s air defenses and are vital to fending off frequent Russian missile strikes."

"The Pentagon documents suggested that Ukraine could withstand only a few more waves of Russian missile strikes."

(They're out of missiles remember? 

Somebody was telling ya otherwise.)

"Pentagon casts doubt on Ukraine’s spring counteroffensive"

"Ukraine is expected to launch a major counteroffensive this spring, but the U.S. is doubting Kyiv’s ability to retake significant territory, a “top secret” document says."

"An early February assessment indicates “force generation and sustainment shortfall” for Ukraine’s military, The Washington Post reported."

(There is your proof of 

17,500 Russian, 

71500 Ukrainian BTW

...and now with minimal air defenses left...)

"Publicly, the Biden administration has signaled that Ukraine will regain territory in the coming offensive."

"But the documents paint a darker picture, with Kyiv likely to struggle against entrenched Russian positions in southeastern Ukraine and with “deficiencies” in training and munitions, according to The Post’s review.'

(Everything what they were telling you about The Russians? Is exactly whats been going on with the Ukrainians. Thats just how Orwellian our world is rn.)

"US intel on Russia could now be compromised"

(Everything we have is compromised. Everything. Lil hard to win a war when the people you are fighting know what you are going to do ahead of time dont you think?)

"Israeli spy agency supported domestic protests"

"South Korea was concerned about supplying munitions to US"

"Other documents also pointed to potential U.S. spying on South Korea, a major ally in the Indo-Pacific, on support for Ukraine."

9Thats what we need in the pacific right now...perfect...sarcasm yo.)

"The leaked papers said South Korea was open to supplying the U.S. with artillery shells to replenish American stocks — but privately, Seoul was concerned about the munitions being diverted to Ukraine."

'Egypt secretly planned to supply Russia with rockets'

"UAE agreed to work with Russian spy agents against US, UK"

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