Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Ya got


about five choices:

The first big question for cosmologists: Does time have a beginning?

"Edwin Hubble’s discoveries in the 1920s made it clear that the Milky Way was one among billions of other galaxies and that the Universe was expanding. What cosmologists wanted, then, was to know how to tell the cosmic story. Expansion implies change, so the challenge was to understand what was changing, and what it changed into. Questions that have inspired religions across the globe came to the forefront of inquiry to haunt and to inspire. The new science of the cosmos had to embrace a metaphysical dimension, whether it wanted to or not."

(Think about that for a second, 100 years ago or there abouts? We thought the Milky way was the entire universe.

But this is absolutely critical! 

You have to understand that the universe creation 

(Time space energy and matter) 

and expansion have a metaphysical dimension to them. The other galaxies in the universe are expanding away from from each other. It means they were all lumped together at some point in time. 

It means something outside of what we KNOW (or can prove with the scientific information we have available today) HAD TO HAVE created it, and set it expanding. Here's your five choices, choose wisely, eternity is at stake.)


affirms a personal, intelligent, transcendent God who also acts within the creation.


asserts a personal, transcendent, intelligent God who does not act within the created order after its initial origin.

Naturalism (or Materialism

affirms matter and energy and the laws of nature as the prime realities


asserts an impersonal deity present in matter and energy as the prime reality.

(Much thanks to Stephen C Meyer and his book "The return of the God hypothesis.)

So which one are you going to go with?

Your heart and mind already both know what you dont want to admit to yourself.

Your logical, rational mind,

the science behind current cosmology

and a 3000 year old book 

are all pointing in the same direction.

I'd get on the freedom train if I was you.

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